It feels good being 'home'.

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Three months. It has been three months of me listeing to the so called ‘fights’ of Felicity and Tom about who loves who more. Dont get me wrong i ove them both but this is staring to get on my nerves. Like right now, during once again of one of those silly ‘fights’ i tried to ignore it but i had had enough. “No no, I love you m-“ Felicity began but i cut her off. “Equally! You love each other with the same amount of love so its equal!” I sais, tired of all this. “OMG! Michael! Thats genius!” Felicity said happily and i internally groaned, “Oh no! What have i done?” I thought. “M-equally! I love you Tom!” She said and looked at him with love in het eyes. “I love you too! So so much!” He said back a smile on his face. “We love each other m-eqaully but so so much!” Felicity said while snuggeling up to Tom even more, both silently agreeing with that fact. Seeing those two so happy and act so lovingly made me sad, of course i had Jake but that wasnt the same. We werent officially together yet but i wanteed too. I didnt know ho he felt though, of course we texted and called but i wanted more and im just not sure if he wants that too. Tom and i started talking about the tour, which was unfortunatly almost over, and the next country where we were going. We both hadnt heard of it before so we hadnt been there before but i was excied, a foreign country and the right amount of fun just had to give us the best time beforee we headed to the States for the last bit of the tour. Dont get me wrong, i love the States and to perform but they expect me to call it home and i just couldnt. That was something i wont, cant and just refuse to do. England is my home and it will always stay that way. But besides all that i was excited to go to America, i could see my family again after almost a year and i was happy about that. Felicity and Tom had seen there families when we visited England at the beginning of the tour.


Czech, thats what the country was called, was amazing! We had so much fun and turned out the fans there were almost even more dedicated then in England and the States. I just love my fans so much. I cant describe, they make my career and my life better. Right now we were heading towards the airport to go to the States, my so called ‘home’, i still despised that descripsion but i was happy to see my family again. The flight would be long so i decided to watch a movie and of course they had to play the ‘Titanic’, just what i needed please note my sarcasm, another sickingly perfectly love story jut as Tom and Felcity’s. Of course i wasn crying at the end of the movie, why would you say that? Oh who am i kidding? Of course i was crying, i was balling my eyes out. That movie just gets me everytime. I want a love just like Jack and Rose had, true love were you would die for each other. Of course i know that doesnt excits in real life, although im pretty sure Tom would die for Felicity. I always wanted to say to someone i loved: “You jump, I jump. Remember?” I just wanteed true love and i think i found that in Jake.


Arriving in America felt good, finally out of that damn plain. Walking throught the doors of the airport i was met with the sun shining bright and the warm wind over my skin. Although this wasnt my home i really really liked the weather. We would stay with at my house with my mum and sisters since it was close to the concert building and it would be fun. We took a cab and suddenly i got nervous what if my mum still was mad at Felicity for what happend in the past? What if she wouldnt want her in our house? I know she doesnt look at on the internet or twitter so she probaly doesnt know about Tom and Felicity or even me and Jake. I began to panick but tried to calm myself down with telling myslef that i was overreacting and it would be fine, everything would be fine. The taxidriver stopped in front of my house and even inside the taxi i could hear the music from inside. “Are you kidding me?” I thought to myself when i heard Toms ‘Another Song’ blasting through the speakers. My sister had this thing that she would be in love with a singer for a week or two and then she would go on to anither and i guess right know it was Tom. “This is gonna be good.” I thought to myself and i grinned. I turned to Tom and Felicity and i right then Felicity started laughing, she knew how my sister was, and because of her i had to laugh as well. We both were almost laying on the floor with tears on our faces from laughing. “You better watch out Tom cause i think we got a fangirl in he house.” I heard Felicity say and i started laughing hearder, if that was even possible. I remembered that one time, i guess it was a year or two ago, that my sister was so obsessed with this singer, i forgot his name, and she sweared that he lived in our street so she went from door to door to ask if he lived there and someone called the police. It was so funny but also really really creepy. I was wondering what would happen when she discoverd Tom was eactually staying with us. I hope Felicity doesnt get jealous easy but besides they are engaged so i think she trusts him. In the mean time the song changed to ‘Hold me’, one of my favorites, and i walked over to the door. Knocking on the door i hoped with all my heart that my sister wouldnt open it. and of course luck wasnt at my side, the door opened and i heard a squel, “Michael! I missed you so much!!” I got wrapped up in a hug and she was jumping up and down from happiness, i missed her too, more then she will ever know. Suddenly the jumpoing stopped and i heard her gasp. She slowly pulled away from me and whispered, “I-is that-t To-m Odel-ll?” i smiled at her shyness and her shock. I smiled and nodded, “The one and only. Why? You know him?” I asked innocent as if i didnt hear the songs coming from inside, i dont understand how my mum survives that. “Know him? I adore him! OMFG! He is here! At our house! This is a dream!” She started jumoing up and down again and tried to go to him b ut i stopped him. “Yas! Please act normal. He is just a normal person, with an abnormal job. And there is one thing you have to know.” I said and she nodded, now serious, “He is engaged but-“ i tried to tell her to who but she cut me off, “Who cares? She doesnt need to know!” She said while winking at him and i just could feel  the daggers Felicity tried to shoot at her with her eyes. “She is right here, you idiot!” I told her and gestured to Felicity who smiled back politely while walking to Tom and wrapping her arms around his ways. “Wait! Isnt that?” Yasmine said while turning to me and i nodded is confirmation and she gasped. “Omg! Felicity! I missed you so much!” She said while running to Lis to give her a hug, did i mention Felicity and Yasmine where like best friends? Well not as me and Lis but still pretty close. “I cant believe this! Wait! Have you talked it out? Are you friends again?” Yasmine said while looking from me to Lis and Felicity nodded. “It was about time!” She said while backing away from Tom and Felicity, now blushing. “and….uhmm…….sorry for trying to hit on your man?” She said but it was more like a question. “Its okay! I know how irresistible he is!” She said while winking at Yas. I saw Tom go red and he couched, “So are we going inside or are we gonna stand here outside?” I suggested. “Of course! Come in!” Yasmine said while taking my hand and walking inside. It felt good to be ‘home’, well not as in the country and the house but the family.

I'm not who I was...[Mika/Tom Odell Fanfic] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now