A night in the city

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So, there’s a guy that knows you. You have no idea about who are you. The only logical to do is to ask him, right? Of course, yes, but who told you that I was normal?
−Woah. Wait, what? – I asked more out of sync than usual. −You know me? How? Who am I? −I know that I sounded like somebody high as their early 20s hit him. – What do you mean about the master swordsman ascendance? – I was asking but the blacksmith was sitting down and smiling.
−I won’t tell you. I already told her that I wouldn’t, but I didn’t know what was she saying. – He said straight looking at me, and with a completely serious attitude.
−Now you tell… me… − I began very confident, but the blacksmith stood up, and I was scared to say the least. – Ok, you win, I guess. – I said stepping back.
In the meantime, She was receiving her money, and it wasn’t a small amount it was huge, like very big. Everything was paid I bills of huge denominations, but still it was more like 1 x 2 x 2 meters of money, and still She tried to save something on her pockets.
By this time, it was almost dusk, and the guys that gave She her money were saying: “She is gonna get mugged, nigga” or something like that. I don’t know exactly, but you get the idea.
In the end, I had no new info, the blacksmith won’t tell me about it, while She literally won a stupid amount of money, that was heavy to carry for me and The Awesome Wolf of Awesomeness.
I was disappointed to say the least, but I had to talk with She, and why She didn’t want me to know my past.
−At least I have a cool looking sheath, but why? – I was speaking to myself, when…
−Hey, can you help me with the money? – She yelled at me because I was going the other way.
Talk to her about what happened with the blacksmith or be her slave, because you’re hormonal as fuck... Mmmmmh, I don’t know.
−Yeah, sure! – I just answered without thinking, and started walking towards her.
The money was heavy, it felt like carrying an elephant. In the end, we decided that we would buy some wheelbarrows to carry the money.
−Do you really think that a store will be open, and that so happens to sell wheelbarrows? – I asked.
−Yep. – She said pointing to a store. – and it is called “Deus Ex Store”, and their saying is: “We sell everything that moves the plot” – She explained.
−Well, that is new. – I said surprised and began to walk towards it.
It had a huge glowing sign with black letters and just the outline of the letters where white, and everything seemed a little too much 21st century, but anyway when you need wheelbarrows. The counter was illuminated form above, and there was no other source of light, and it had a bell hanging so that for every time the door is opened it rang. There was something; something that I couldn’t explain, and my body wouldn’t accept it. I had some gut feeling that maybe I shouldn’t be there.
−Enter, I will be back here looking after The Awesome Wolf of Awesomeness, and the money. – I said a little nervous, and basically pushed her into the store.
−Really, I thought that you would be the first to enter, but are you a coward? – She asked me teasing, but I was just to invested in not entering, but I had to.
I couldn’t say that I didn’t like, because She wouldn’t enter, and we wouldn’t get the wheelbarrows…
−Hey, maybe the counter guy will give you the wheelbarrows with a discount. – I said without thinking that much. – and it wouldn’t work if you enter with a guy.
−Why do you think that will work? – She asked a little pissed off.
−Because you’re … pretty? – I said taking a step-back.
−Well… thanks. I guess. – She said doubting.
−I’m gonna go to take care of the money now. – I awkwardly went to the pile, while She entered the store.
I was just taking a nap on top of the money while The Awesome Wolf of Awesomeness took care of any thieves, because while I was sleeping, The Awesome Wolf of Awesomeness sat down on top of the money growled at all people that got near the money. I’m such a good money keeper!
−Wake up, you need to help me with the money. – She said moving me around consistently.
−See I’m a very good money keeper! – I said sarcastically, and then yawning.
It was completely at night, and I could see like some electric lamps running through the city, but there still were some classical lamps (of oil). I could see at night, not that much but compared to what I expected, it was awesome.
We made like a fourth of the money on a wheelbarrow, and She bought three wheelbarrows, a sack that was the same capacity as the wheelbarrows, and a blanket that covered all three wheelbarrows. She got to move one, The Awesome Wolf of Awesomeness got to carry the sack, and I got to move two of those wheelbarrows. In other words, I got to carry twice as much as a giant dog that could carry me and She without any problem.
My hands were numb when we started the trip, but after five minutes, that felt like an hour, my hands were felt that were burning. I couldn’t stand that long.
−Where are we going? – I asked while not being able to get a grip on the damn things.
–To a hotel. – She said calmly while riding The Awesome Wolf of Awesomeness and The Awesome Wolf of Awesomeness pushing the damn thing.
–Are you serious? Are you so cynical that while I’m dying you are relaxing? – I asked while resting on a side of the street.
–Yes, because for the time you were asleep while I was shopping the sack and the wheelbarrows She said a little angry – and don’t rest, we don’t have time for that
–Do you have a heart? – I said taking a break while looking at my palms of my hands since they’re completely red from the strain of pushing the damn things...–Do you have a heart? – I said
−Of course, I do. OK, you can take five minutes. – She said laying on The Awesome Wolf of Awesomeness. −If you want we can take a little rest.
−Thanks. – I said calming down.
Meanwhile, I was looking for a Hotel-like looking thing, in the end it. The Hotel was like the Parthenon everything was made of marble, and it look kind of high class. It was a tall building with Greek pillars and stairs. The stairs had a guy that moves your luggage to the hotel so you don’t have to do it. bases.
I went back to tell She what I saw, and we walked back with the wheelbarrows. It was in this moment that I thought I could hardly care less about my hands, because they could start bleeding, and I still had to move the shit around, so I just keep on moving.
We get to the hotel, but somebody told the guy at the entrance: “Don’t let anybody which seems incapable of buying ten Ferraris right now, because we’re high class”.
−Can I help you? – The entrance guy asked in the most contemptuously as he could.
−Yeah, we will want to enter. – I said a little pissed off, but I remained my cool.
−Are you sure? This hotel is quite expensive, − He said doubting.
She punched me on the back quick and…
−Well, in that case… We’ll talk with the receptionist. – She said calmly. −Can you wait here? – She said in a calm/angry tone. The women get when they are angry at you, but they can’t show they’re anger.
I was going to sleep on Lucas’s back, or I slept. I can’t remember that well. The streets were as lonely as a ghost town, and the lights were still on, wouldn’t be better to save up energy by turning them off?
She came back furious, took some money out of a wheelbarrow, and before I could say anything; She was gone. I decided to enter to the reception, and the glass doors were kind of a show off, because the frame was almost covered in gold.
The reception was with the Greek theme, and there wasn’t something worth saying except that She’s foot’s steps were highlighted as a brown mark on the white tiled floor. I almost laughed, but I could contain it. The desk was all the way at the back, with a heated “argument”, that was more like She was shouting at the poor guy for not being fast enough.
I entered, and I was completely right, about the so-called argument. I felt pity for the guy, after all he was doing his job. I walked, with fear, towards the desk, and as closer I got to the desk the echoer and annoying it got. I raised my hand, to let him now I wanted to talk with him.
−Yes, Sir what to you want? – He said with a face of relief.
−Don’t brush me off. – She said in a demanding way. −Oh, so even better… −
−Can somebody explain me what is happening? – I interrupted She.
−Yes, I wanted to make take two rooms, for each one of us, but he is telling me that in that case it would be better if we just shared a single room, for a single person. – She said mad.
−First, calm down and second, let the poor man finish. – I said calmly.
−You see the other rooms are occupied so there’s only one room, and it is designed for a couple, but is the only thing left in this hotel. – The guy said relaxing quite a lot.
−So, what was the shouting about? – I asked She, in a disappointed way.
−I understood that was only a room for one person, and we should share it, and I wanted to give you some space. – She said a little embarrassed.
−You wouldn’t worry about it, after all I’m a heavy sleeper. – I said confidently, what another thing I could have said?
−Let´s dance while we wait for our room. – She said cheerfully, meanwhile I was gonna sleep like everywhere.
−I just want to sleep maybe tomorrow. – I said looking for a couch to sit or lay down or straight up sleep on the spot.
In the end, I was so sleepy or just tired that I could have slept on the counter and it wouldn’t matter that much to me, and I think She had me pity or something because She was chill about me being tired.
−Ok, but tomorrow. – She said a little fired up.
−I don’t know how to dance, so don’t expect the best thing ever. – I said then I yawned.
−Your room is ready. – The receptionist said while entering the room.
−Thanks! – I said while grabbing a few bills and giving him the money as a tip −I guess that with this you’ll let my wolf enter. – I said climbing the stairway towards my room.
I climbed the stairs with the same struggle as I would the same stairs taking a 50kg vest and carrying a 10kg pot on my hands. The stairs were exhaustingly long even though they’re just two floors it felt really long. I could make more comparisons, but I think that at this point you got the point. 
Mid-way through (a.k.a. the first floor) The Awesome Wolf of Awesomeness, bit my coat and carried me as a cub through the other half. It appeared as it could as he was smart because as soon as we reached the second floor he “spitted” me, since he was just like: “my work here is done!”
−I can’t even complain about that. – I said calmly after being “spitted”.
She was already inside the room, comparatively, I was completely zombie-ish since the only thing that I needed to do was sleep. I saw that the room had the door almost closed, but it had a small hole the size of a mouse.
I knocked at the door to prevent something unwanted.
−Please wait! – She said inside the room in a hurried tone.
I waited around five minutes just so She would open the door. I sat down on the floor thinking about
−Hey, can you… − She stopped in the middle of the sentence. −I’m sorry I didn’t know that it was you I thought it was someone from the hotel service. I’m sorry. – She was wearing the pyjamas given by the hotel. −Enter, if you will. –
I got up and walked next to her.
−Dude, you will need a bath. – She said waving her hand to get rid of the stench.
−Ok, no worries. – I entered the room and looked for some clothes I could wear while all my clothes are washing. −Can you ask for some clothes for me while I take a bath? – I asked She.
−Sure, but seriously just take a bath. – She said moving her hands as just move.
I entered the bathroom everything seemed fine, nothing to dandy or else. The bathroom as such it was kinda big since it was the size of a normal high school classroom. It had a shower, a cabinet with towels, empty space, a sink with all kind of soaps (I didn’t care). Everything was cleaned and ordered, until… You’ll see.
I was looking for some towels, but I began searching calmly, but five minutes passed, and I was getting a little annoyed. Then 10 minutes, and by that time, the complete bathroom was filled with a complete mayhem: the soaps were in all kind of places, there was water everywhere, and all kind of things in all kind of places, etc. Finally, I found the towels, that was on a cabinet that I didn’t open because I thought they were extras (soap, hair conditioner, shampoo, etc.).
I took the towels rearrange the bathroom to look half-decent. I took the shower all nice and dandy, but when I finished showering I had no clothes. I dry off as I usually do, and then…
−Hey, here is your clothes… − She said through the door.
I ran to the door opened it through a slit wide enough to show my face, and let pass the clothes.
−Thanks, you are the best! – I said then I closed the door quickly.
The closed were like a sandwich: the top and bottom were the pyjama, and the middle were the underwear. I got dressed. When I got out of the bathroom, the guys at the hotel had already set up another bed.
−What a difference now you don’t look like homeless, now you look socially acceptable. −She said sarcastically, beside the “original” bed .
The Awesome Wolf of Awesomeness was heading towards a sofa to sleep on.
The “original” was I think a Queen size with all kind of fancy, fluffy, white quilt. In other words, the room was made for couples to “enjoy” their night. I just imagined the face of the hotel staff, when they heard that we needed a second bed, of disappointment. I began laughing.
−Why are you laughing at? – She said.
−To our matching outfits. – I said after noticing that both had a similar pyjama.
−We need to sleep, so turn of the lights. – She said tired while arranging her bed.
−Why do we need to sleep? – I asked, then I got some hardcore glares. −I mean, are we gonna be waking up early? –
−Are you braindead? It’s 2:00 a.m.! – She said exasperatedly.
−Ok, fine. – I went to turn off the lights and manged to not hit my something on my way to my bed. I got comfy.
−You are on the wrong bed. – She said.
−My bad. – Then I got up, and couldn’t find the other bed, even though my vision adjusted to the amount of light. I just saw the sofa, where was the Awesome Wolf of Awesomeness was sleeping, and began thinking in all that happened that day: I found someone that I is really quite likable (Jess), a pet (The Awesome Wolf of Awesomeness), got into jail, had a clue for who I was, reunited with my crush, broke a katana and sleep in a hotel.
−Wow… I guess this was some densely-packed day. – I said before getting into bed, and ultimately going to sleep.

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