Third Time's the Charm

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The reason I was worried She was and still is unpredictable. Well, the plan was to look for her, but... Let me explain you.

I run down the stairs, and I look around when I see She entering the hotel, in her "formal" dress, which is purple. The thing is that I was completely hypnotised, again (you think I would learn, but I cannot be more mesmerised).

She entered gracefully. −What are you staring at? – She asked while waving her hand in front of me.

I snapped back to reality. −Nothing, at all. – I said a little nervous.

−I asked the blacksmith if he could make you a katana. −She said confidently.

I knew there was something weird, but I couldn't put my finger on it. She was explaining something while I was doing a little checklist on my mind.

−Is it the dress? No. The makeup? No. The hair? Bingo. – It was my actual mental process, so while that was happening She explained something important.

−Did you do something with your hair? – I asked interrupting her.

−Umm... No. – She said surprised.

My mental process:

−Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! –

−Are you paying me attention? – She asked angrily.

−Um... Yes? –

−I'll explain it to you, one more time: I bought a new katana for you, a house for both of us, and a rapier for me. – She said frustrated.

−Is that so? Thanks! –

−It took you three times to pay attention. –

−You know what they say: third time is the charm. –

−And, then you ask why you don't have friends. –

−But, I have you. –

−Let's go for dinner. – She said changing the topic.

−Where? –

−Italian food. –

− "Where" not what. –

−You actually know the city? –

−Ok, so you have a point, and you already answered my next question. Mark the way. –

−There's a... − She said to herself.

I didn't pay that much of attention. She for the first time didn't take my sleeve and began running all over the city, but instead, She and I talked all the way there.

−Zolverein! −I said.

−What? – She said while laughing

−Zolverein! –

−Why? – Continued to laugh

−Zolverein! –

−Stop that. –

−Because it's random, and I like how it sounds. – I answered back calmly.

−Then what... −

−I challenge you to change any noun to Zollverein. – I interrupted her.

−Any? –

−Any. –

−That Zollverein is quite Zollverein. – She said laughing.

−Well done. –

−It's here. – She said while stopping me in my tracks.

We reserved, waited and talked about Zollverein, and stuff and about stuff.

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