The Reading I Stopped Caring Mid-Way Through

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I heard someone knocked the door, softly. I ignored it. I was too damn interested in the story of Lady Rose of Stonegate.

−The story begins when... − The old man began telling the story. I heard again the knocking. I stopped paying attention to the story.

I was trying to know what was happening, so I decided to open the door. I was getting closer, and nobody realise that I was going away. Everything was going alright, until I stepped on a floor board that made a horrible noise.

−What are you doing? – She asked immediately.

−I will open the door, I heard someone knocking. – I said getting my hand near the doorknob. I opened the door.

The person that was knocking was no other than... Iscariot. Iscariot was wearing all black clothes. His shirt was almost completely black, but with a huge six pointed star. The star was deformed, the two triangles were shifted so that two point are close to each other, but the other points are in groups of two. The "star" was on his left side, but it was so big that occupied most of the shirt. At the centre of the star was a black eagle facing right.

I close the door as soon I saw him.

−Hey buddy, aren't you happy that we reunited. – He said through the door.

−Who is it? – She asked me.

−My best friend. The one who cursed me, broke me a couple of bones. Oh, I know the one who destroyed the city. – I said sarcastically.

−Fuck! But still try to control your sarcasm. –

−Excuse me. – Iscariot said entering to the library calmly. −Sorry, I think story time is over. –

−What do you want? – I said trying to get some distance between us.

−Oh, what I cannot come over to visit my best friend? –

−You know that he was being sarcastic. – She said.

−Oh, you always being the one who ruins the fun. Ok. I got something from my boss that was like... − He paused. – Oh, I remembered. It was: if you let that guy live you are not will not be part of my "organization" and we will hunt you down. –

−Why does he want me dead? –

−I don't want to tell you, but I'll give you a hint: has something to do with your memory loss. – He said taking a seat in the opposite side of the table. – I just wanted that you knew that this is no personal problem, OK? –

−You came here to kill me, so? – I said without any care.

−Also on last thing, why don't you join us in the organization. We are better than him. – Iscariot said towards She.

−No harsh feelings, but I don't like people who tried to kill me. –

−Still salty about that? Well, I think that I won't be able to change your mind. –

Iscariot flipped the table, blocking our line of sight. He moved incredibly fast. In less than an instant, he was already behind me. He took the back of my neck, and smashed it to the ground. She tried to defend herself, but Iscariot kicked her on the stomach.

I got up. My nose was bleeding and I felt as if I was on a moving ship. I barely could maintain my balance. She meanwhile was being beaten by Iscariot. He punched her again on the stomach so hard that she was launched towards the wall.

−Now that I took care of that. Hey, who told you that you could stand? – He asked me before punching me back to the ground.

I was still disoriented. I only hoped that She was OK. I stood up again, now angered. My right forearm began to hurt.

−So now you are e experiencing the curse. – He took my head and began to punch me in the guts. – Wow! You are resilient. – then threw me to the floor.

I, again, stood up. My face was completely covered in blood. I was not even making sense of anything. I was not doing something natural, I was forcing myself.

He kicked me in the guts. −You know, if you land a hit on me I'll leave you alone. – He taunted me.

I felt a current through my right arm. I felt as if I was overcharged, everything was slower. I extended my arm to grab Iscariot. I barely grabbed his shirt. I pulled him with the other hand I took his head and smashed it to the ground. I proceeded to kick him on the back.

−You win. I will leave you alone, but your girlfriend might not be too OK. – After saying that he moved I barely caught a glimpse of his movement.

On that moment, the overcharge was gone. I was rendered useless. I tried to catch up with him. I barely moved an inch. While he was already with She. She took him and punched him on the face.

I felt useless. She was struggling with Iscariot.

−You know what, I don't care about anything. I'm just passing by. – He said before he received a punch to the face.

I was running. I wouldn't stop for anything. She was punching him with all her strength while he was receiving it without a care in the world.

I tackled him.

−Why are you doing this? – I asked him while he was on the floor.

−Because I can. – He said with a smirk.

−Oh, really. – I said before punching him so hard that I felt as if my hand broke.

−You should know I don't want to kill you or your girlfriend. I don't want to, but I have work to do. – He said while he was struggling to have a cohesive mind. -I must, but I don't want. –

I was getting a little too angry.

I punched him. – Then why are you doing this. – I said before punching him again.

−Because I won't survive if I don't. But I don't want to... − He said with a shaking voice.

−If you don't want to do it, then don't. – She said almost understanding.

−I cannot do this again... − He said before he broke into tears.

I am as shocked as ever.

−What do you mean? – I asked him.

−I know you. I know you since we're children, and know I cannot do this, again. −

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2017 ⏰

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