chapter 2

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Normani pov


"is this a cute dress?" i heard Dinah ask.

i looked up from my phone to see the dress Dinah was holding.

"i guess." i scoffed before looking back at my phone.

"why did you come if you weren't going to pay attention to me?"

"do you think i have a choice? either way, i would have to go."

"well if you're going to be an ass, you shouldn't have came." Dinah screamed at me, throwing the dress at me.

i watched as she left and the workers giving me a look. i rolled my eyes, putting the dress back before leaving the store. by the time i got to the parking lot, Dinah was walking off into the streets.

"this idiot." i mumbled before running after her.

i pulled her away from the oncoming traffic and dragged her with me. she kept resisting before i got her on my back.

"let me go."

"look, i'm not about to have you die before we get married. you know i don't like you."

"if you don't like me, let me go and die."

"not gonna happen, princess."

she didn't respond after that. i hated her but yet i couldn't let her die. i don't know what's happening or why i care if she does or doesn't. this doesn't make sense.

"can we get some food?" i heard her ask softly, as i pulled out of the parking lot.

"you want wing stop, don't you?"

her mouth dropped opened like it was a surprise.

"how did you know?"

"i pay attention. i don't have to like you to know what you like and don't like, what you like to eat and don't eat, what you listen to and what you don't."

"why did you go through with this?"

"the wedding? i'm only doing it because i'm being forced to. my dad never gave me a reason as to why i was marrying you."

"marriage is about love."

"this marriage isn't real now is it? i wouldn't want to marry you even if you were the last person on Earth."

i could hear her start sniffing and i knew at that moment i made her cry. i sighed before turning into wing stop. i parked the car and went in. i ordered the food and got back in the car. i gave her the food but she didn't do anything.

"please take the food."

"i don't want it anymore. i lost my appetite."

i sighed once again before putting the food in the middle console as i began to drive again. the whole car ride was silent. i was pretty sure she fell asleep. i felt bad because i made her cry. it was something i never wanted to do. i could deal with her hurting but crying? i don't like it.

i got out of the car and opened her door. she was asleep. i hovered over her to take off her seatbelt before picking her up. her arms wrap around my neck and i felt my heart speed up. i shook my head. i can't be feeling anything for this girl. i won't allow it. i put her on the bed and i just stood there. she was beautiful but there is no way i'm falling for her.

"can you not stare? i'm uncomfortable."

"sorry, i'm going to go to work." i mumbled as i left the room.

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