chapter 15

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a/n: so i had two more chapters planned out before chapter 14 but i didn't think it was good enough. there was only one person that actually predicted what i had planned for my chapter. so kudos to that person for that but i think they deleted the comment or it's just i can't find it. if there are any mistakes i apologize.

Lauren pov

4 years has passed and Dinah's death was still taking a toll on my family. dad tried to overdose until i caught him and i slapped those pills right out of his hands. he broke down and all i could do was hold him.

"Lo, there's something i need to tell you." Tori said, as she gestured me to follow.

"what is it?"

"i'll tell you but i need everyone except Normani there."

"where do i tell them to go?"

"Dinah's grave. Kehlani will already be there because i told her before coming to you."

"okay? i don't see why we're going back to her grave."

"it'll all be revealed soon. just hurry. i gotta do something before i meet you guys."

"i guess." i said, as i got in my car and drove to Dinah's grave.

i called Ally, Zendaya, and Camila, telling them to meet at Dinah's grave. they were confused but nonetheless agreed to it. i threw my phone to the passenger's seat as i gripped the wheel. why were we going to Dinah's grave? are we supposed to be reminded of her death again or what? i don't know if i was ready to know what Tori was going to tell us.

when i arrived, Kehlani was sitting on the ground, Ally and Camila were there. i heard a car drive up and looked over to find Zendaya there. she gave me a half smile before we walked up to the girls. Tori then emerges from behind the trees.

"okay, i have gathered you all here today to talk about Dinah."

"what about it? she's dead, Tori." Kehlani said, leaning back on her hands .

"if that's what you believe."

"what is that supposed to mean?" i asked, confused as to why Tori was being weird.

"i like to believe that Dinah is alive."

"you weren't there when she died!" Kehlani screamed, as her fists started to ball up.

"correction: i wasn't there for the wedding. i was there when she was brought in the hospital."

"what are you talking about?" Zendaya asked, raising her eyebrow at her girlfriend.

"why don't you ask her?" she said, stepping to the side as two people walked out.

there were gasps as well as the girls covering their mouths. it wasn't real. it can't be. we were there when they told us she was dead.

"hey guys." was all she said.

"y-you aren't d-dead?" i stuttered.

"i almost didn't make it but they were able revive me. Tori was there in the room and she told me that if i was to still be alive, it was going to be dangerous. she told me that if i was presumed dead then her grandfather wouldn't be a threat. i lurked in the shadows, watching Normani's every move. it killed me that she was broken. as much as i wanted to go up and hold her, i couldn't because i had to make everyone believe i was dead. Tori tried telling Normani but she never understood. i watched as she married a guy and have his child. that hurt a lot because we were supposed to have a child together. she was supposed to bear our child. that didn't matter because seeing her with Felicity makes me happy. Normani is truly happy with her and that's all i want for Mani. she deserves something good for once in her life."

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