chapter 6

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Normani pov

"you better be going to the dinner tonight."

"dad, i know. i'll be there."

"good because we have things to discuss."

"why do you always call me? you know i'm working."

"i don't have enough time to come visit you so i call you."

"yet you can come to the dinner."

"well yeah because Gordon is a friend of mine and it's hard to leave work unless i have a good reason."

"not going to see your daughter isn't a good reason, huh?"

"baby, don't be mad okay? i'm just doing what i can to support the family."

"support what family?"

"our family."

"dad, you know our family is already falling apart."

"well i have to go. we'll talk more later."

i rolled my eyes before ending the call. he always avoids that our family is falling apart. he doesn't want to admit it because the moment the family falls apart, he loses. i shoved my phone back in my pocket before helping out the customers.

this was going to be a long day but then i remembered that i had kissed Dinah. i smile as i reached my fingers to my lips. it felt good to kiss her and after making her wait for so long, i thought it was time. she deserved it after everything i put her through.

"what happened?" Camila said, nudging me.

"nothing important. we have a dinner tonight though."

"yeah, dad told me about that and i'm not happy. i don't think i can stand to be around Kehlani after what happened with Ally's party."

"we'll meet Dinah's other sister there. she wasn't able to come to the wedding because she couldn't leave school since it wasn't an emergency."

"let's hope she's nice and better than Kehlani."

"let's hope."

we continued to do work until closing. as we were closing, Zendaya and her loud ass came barging through.

"hey guys!"

"Daya, what do you want? we have to leave soon."

"the dinner right? Mila told me that earlier."

"yeah now go away."

"Mani, i'm bored."

"go to Tori."

"she's studying for her tests and i don't want to disturb her."

"you're disturbing us." i said, closing up.

"don't say that."

"go hang out with Ally then. im sure she's not doing anything."

"if not, i'll chill with her until Camila comes home."

"it's probably going to be five hours." Camila told her, as she hugged Zendaya.

"i'm sure i'll find something to do within that time frame. have fun guys."

Zendaya got in her car and drove off to Ally's house. i got in my car with Camila following. when we were all settled, i headed over to Dinah's dad's house. there were cars there already and i saw my parent's car. lord have mercy, please be a good night.

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