chapter 16

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Dinah pov

*4 years ago*

i thought i was going to die. i knew i was losing a lot of blood so in my mind i thought i wasn't going to make it. when i got out of surgery, the doctors said i could have visitors but i quickly said no. he looked confused but didn't question it. i saw Tori come in and i was relieved to see her.

"i don't have much time but it's a good thing you aren't seeing them. if her grandfather knew that you're still alive, he will come after you again. he's trying to get you out of the picture because he wants Normani to marry a guy of his choice."

"how do you know all of this?"

"i know some people. the police in this town sucks and they aren't going to investigate this. so you're just basically a nothing. you will not be a remembrance to anyone. the only ones who will are your family and the girls. you know Normani will take this hard right?"

i sighed and nodded, "i do know that but i also know that since i'm 'dead', she'll do whatever her grandfather asks. i'm not going to be happy with it but until he's gone, we can't be happy."

"let's just hope his time will be soon. you have to stay low for now. i can try dropping hints to Normani but i'm not good at these things. i love you Dinah, take care of yourself." Tori said, hugging me before leaving the room.

i grabbed my clothes, hastily putting them on before leaving through the back. i pulled my hood up and walked away. i didn't know where i was going but all i knew is that i couldn't go home. i also didn't have a phone anymore so i decided to go to Tori's house and just wait there. thankfully, the girls didn't leave around Tori nor did they visit her because Tori always was busy with work.

"Dinah, what are you doing here?" Tori questioned, as she looked at me.

"i have no where else to go. you're the only one that knows i'm alive and i.. i don't know.."

"come on, let's get you inside."

Tori led me inside and i followed her. she told me to sit down while she got some drinks. i look around in awe. it had been a while since i visited Tori. i didn't realize she changed a lot of things.

"why are you home early?" i asked, as she came back with drinks.

Tori sighed, putting the drinks down and looking at me. i could tell from her body language that she hasn't told anyone about what is happening.

"i can't work for too long."

"why not?"

"Dinah.. i'm pregnant.."

i gasped loudly as i looked at Tori with wide eyes. why was she hiding this from Zendaya?

"does Daya know?"

"no, she doesn't. we're both going awol right now. i can't have Zendaya knowing because she'll probably hate me for the rest of our life. we're still young and i don't think she's ready to settle down and have kids." Tori replied, as she began to cry.

i scooted closer to her, hands on either side of her face. my thumbs swiping across her cheeks, wiping the tears away. i then pulled her in as she sobbed even harder.

"if she isn't, she's a fool. i know you love her and i know she loves you as well. maybe it is for the best that you don't tell her. ill help you with your kid. that is until we're both ready. when Normani's grandfather dies, ill be ready to show myself. until then, we stick together. we can also hold off the baby news for when he does. i don't want anything happening."


i smiled, holding her tightly in my arms. "how far along are you?"

"a couple of weeks."

"well i'll take care of you. i promise you that. i can't have you being moody all by yourself with no one to take care of you."

"thanks Dinah."

"no problem. now what would you like to eat?"

"you know you got out of surgery and you shouldn't even be walking around."

"well, i don't care. ill go see what i can muster from your fridge and we'll decide what we're going to eat."

i walked over to her fridge and just began to think of things to make. when i finally figured it out, i started to make something. Tori was going to need all the help she can with that baby growing inside of her and i was going to help. i can't let my best friend do this on her own. when i finished cooking, i set the table as well as fixing us food. when i finished that, i called Tori but was met with silence. i walked over to the living room to find her asleep. i smiled before walking up to her. i shook her gently, causing her to stir then rub her eyes.

"sorry, i guess i took a nap."

"don't be. you're probably really tired ever since you found out and have been overworking yourself. come on, let's go eat before you can take your ass back to bed. ill take you up there."

"will you tuck me in?" Tori asked, sticking out her bottom lip to pout.

"of course i will, dear. now let's eat." i replied, helping her to her seat.

"i feel like a child right now."

"well maybe because you are for now."

"you're the one that should be treated like one since you got out of the hospital."

"you're the one that's pregnant, silly. you overrule me."

"i guess so." she commented, stuffing food in her mouth.

she moaned at the taste and i was just smiled knowing she loved my food. i really don't cook often but being with Normani, she helped me out. i miss my baby. i wish i could see her but i knew i couldn't. i can't wait for the day im reunited with her. that will be the day i long for.

a/n: not the longest chapter and i apologize. i don't know what to do with this😂 i actually have been gone for awhile and im sorry. i promise with the next book i write, you'll hopefully love it because they'll be a nice surprise. anyway, i promise to have the next chapter be better. i just have to figure out where i'm going with this because this year has really been stressful. like i can't fathom how horrible it was for me. i'm now a senior and i know more stress will be put on me so be patient with me and i promise to keep making this good. i promise that norminah, alren, and zentori will continue to rise. norminah is a ship that needs to rise and i promise that they will rise in the next chapter if i figure out how to write the next one. thank you guys for reading and commenting as well as voting for it. it felt nice coming back to about 400 notifications. i miss this. i miss writing but i'm coming back and i promise to do better. i love all of you guys. ALSOOOOO , any mistakes i make i apologize 😂 i should've proofread my chapters beforehand but i gave up. so sorrryyy

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