chapter 4

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Dinah pov

a few weeks have passed by without Normani and i talking. there was no reason for me to talk to her when she was the one that was being harsh. she always reminded me that she didn't like me and it wasn't sitting well with me. so after the day we had our honeymoon, i left before she had the chance to wake up. i needed to clear my head.

"Dinah, how are you and Normani?" my dad asked.

"oh it's great. we're happy that we're finally married."

i pretended to be happy about my marriage with Normani even though it's a wreck.

"that's good, i was wondering if you and her would like to have a family dinner. it'll be me, your sisters, you, her, and her family."

"yeah sure, i'll go ask her tonight when i'm off."

"good good. i'll see you tomorrow night."

"bye dad." i said, hanging up the phone.

let's hope this isn't going to turn into total shit. i clocked back in after my break and started thinking of possible scenarios that would happen if dad ever found out about me and Normani not actually being a couple like he thought we were.

"Dinah! get to work!" my manager screamed at me, as i rushed to do what i was supposed to do.

i hated this job but it was the only way to get some decent money. it wasn't the greatest amount but it's something. i hated working at Target.


when i got home, the only light on was our room. i sighed heavily before entering the house. i don't know how this is going to go but it's worth a shot. i didn't want to talk to her but i had to.

"Normani?" i asked, knocking on the door.


she looked up at me annoyed and i didn't know what to do. i gulped harshly before feeling nauseous for some reason.

"dad was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with the family tomorrow night."

"who's all going to be there?"

"just my family and yours."

"fine, but there is no way in hell i'm kissing you."

"we have to act like a married couple. he'll know something's wrong if we don't."

"we can act like one without kissing. i'm not kissing you."

"it's not like i wanted to kiss you." i muttered to myself.

"what was that?"

"nothing! just go back to what you were doing!"

i left the room and just sat on the couch. i've wanted to kiss her but if she wasn't going to allow it then i can deal with it. i've went 7 months without kissing her. i can go longer. i grabbed the remote from the table and turned it on. i flipped through the channels until finding one i liked. when i did, i got comfortable and just laid there until i fell asleep.

when i woke up, Normani was making breakfast. i didn't want to eat her food so after i got ready for work, i left with a few snacks and a water bottle. i could tell Normani was disappointed but oh well. i got in my car and sat there for a little bit before going back in.

"i can never be rude to you." i said, taking her breakfast and covering it with aluminum.

she smiled and continued eating as i left. when i got to work, i sat in the car eating the food. it was really good. i never knew she could cook. this was the first time she ever cooked. when i finished, i got out of my car and threw away the plate as i walked in Target. i took out my phone and texted 'thank you' to her before putting it up. when i got there, my boss started screaming at us. we never knew why he did but every day when we walked in for work, he just screamed at us. just before he dismissed us, one of my co-workers ran in and we all groaned. he was going to yell at us again and this time it's his fault because he was late.

"i swear i hate this place." Amanda said, bagging some things.

"he just yells to look superior when in reality he's just a coward since he can't seem to divorce his wife even though she's cheating on him. then Tommy over there coming in late causing him to actually have a reason to yell." i said, looking at him with a dirty look.

"don't be mad because i'm getting some." he responded, as everyone went silent.

"okay, don't bring that mess in here. we all know that you're always late because you always have to tell your momma what happened."

"don't bring my momma into this. you're mad because you're not getting anything from Normani. you have been married for a couple weeks now, plus the months you've spent together and not once have you guys kissed. what's the point in getting married if you aren't going to act like you love each other?"

"because she doesn't love me okay? my dad made me do an arranged marriage because he wanted grandkids or something. Kehlani and Lauren don't have anyone since they can't keep a girl or guy. i want to know why my wife hates me so much because every day she constantly reminds me. i may not be getting any but it's better not to because i would rather have something more meaningful than sex. one day, i hope she'll love me back and we'll act like we're so in love. the day she loves me will be the day i quit this job."

"where would you go?" Emily asked, counting the money in the register.

"take care of her i guess. if i quit, i'd find a better job that i'll end up liking and make sure she has everything she wants."

"listening to this makes me actually want to settle down with a guy. it's just i'd have to give away having sex with other men just for one person. i don't think i can do that." Tommy said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"i didn't think i could love a cold-hearted person but i do. every day it gets stronger."

"Dinah, you need to tell her."

"Tommy, what's the point? she doesn't love me like that. we're only acting lovey dovey tonight for family dinner. we're pretending that we're so happy and in love when in reality we aren't. she doesn't know this but i know that in a few months, she can divorce me if she doesn't develop feelings."

"so you heard that?" Normani said, making everyone look at her.

"what are you doing here?"

"i thought i'd get you your favorite flower since i've been rude."


she cut me off by showing me the flowers behind her back. my mouth dropped at the surprise. she actually brought me flowers.

"i gotta go." she said, abruptly.

i was about to go after her but some customer needed me. i looked at the customer before looking at Normani.

"fuck." i said, running.

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