chapter 5

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Dinah pov


that was all i said as i ran out of the store. i was going to get fired but i didn't give one fuck.

"Mani, please stop."

"go back or you'll get fired."

"i don't care about my job right now. if i get fired, i get fired. fuck the store, you're more important."

"how can i be important when you know about what i talked to my dad about?"

"because i know you're feeling something for me. it's not a lot but it's something. you don't have to like me but i'm going to work for your love. it can take years and that's okay with me. if you don't want to go to dinner, i can cancel it. just say the word and i'll tell them we can't make it."

"the fact that you put your heart on the line makes me feel bad. you don't deserve to get hurt by me. i'm not even worth it and you come back just for me to hurt you all over again. how can you stand that?"

"because when i'm with you, everything is bearable. i know that i get on your nerves and that you don't want to be married to me. i understand everything but what i don't understand is why you hate me? you remind me everyday and i never asked why. what did i do to make you hate me? you don't have to tell me until you feel ready. if we go to this dinner, i will do anything you ask then when we get home, i will leave you alone. i'll give you space."

"Dinah, i don't like that you do this."

"it's whatever. it's not like i want anyone else."

"there's so many options out there. you shouldn't just stay on me."

"it's not like i can get out of it anymore. my dad wants kids so until i do that, i can't leave the marriage."

"why make kids with me when you can make them with someone you love?"

"i'm the one that's falling in love with you every day. you can hate me all you want but i'm falling for you because you're true to yourself. you express how much you dislike the thought of arranged marriage, the marriage, and liking me. i fell for the inside instead of the outside. most people fall in love with looks and their body. i fall in love with their personality and how that person treats me."

"i never treated you well."

"but you did. even if you didn't realize it, you treated me well. that one day when i was looking at dresses to wear, you weren't paying attention. you were too busy on the phone but when i asked if we could get something to eat, you knew what i wanted. you paid attention to me. even if you said harsh things to me, you still bought me food. you carried me to the room when i fell asleep and stared at me for a little bit. that's when i knew i was falling for you. the things you did for me throughout the time we've been together made me happy. the fact that you brought flowers for me today shows how much you've grown to care. you may think that you were still a cold hearted bitch but in reality, you aren't."

"how can you like me? that doesn't make sense to me." she said, as i pulled her into a hug.

"nothing makes sense. if you want to go to the dinner, we can. if you don't, we can just watch movies or something."

"i'd rather do the dinner because it gives me more time to see what your family's all about. i gotta see what i got married into."

"it's not the greatest family but deep down we love each other, probably."

"it's okay, i thought Camila was so annoying when she was growing up. everything she did made me cringe. i got used to her because she's my sister and i love her. i'm very overprotective when she meets someone. i don't like her getting hurt."

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