chapter 3

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Normani pov

it was our wedding day and i wasn't really feeling it. i felt sick and nervous.

"are you okay?" Ally asked me.

"no, i don't feel like i am. i really don't want to do this, Ally. i don't want to marry someone i don't love and will never love."

"you might actually start loving her if you tried."

"i don't want to try. i want to be free and not have to marry Dinah."

"you have to. you owe it to your dad."

"i don't owe him shit. he's ruining my life."

"you're ruining your life. all you did was mess with females. he's making you settle down because he wants kids before he dies, Mani."

"mess with females? are you calling me a slut?"

"i never said that."

"you assumed it. is that what i looked like in your eyes? someone that just messed with females for fun?"

"no, that's not what you look like in my eyes. this marriage is the only good thing i see because if you can settle down with a girl you hate, you won't have to keep messing around."

"i don't want to settle down. i don't want to be with Dinah."

"you can't back out."

"you don't think i know that? i'm only going through with it to make dad happy."

"if you fall for her, text or call me because i know the moment you fall for her, you'll freak. you'd be like 'Ally, what do i do? i like this girl.' you're going to need help."

"i doubt that but if i do, you'll be the first to know even though you aren't a lesbian."

"i know love when i see it."

"Mani, 5 minutes." Zendaya screamed, as Ally helped me get ready.

"thanks Ally."

"for what?"

"just being here for me and talking."

"that's what best friends do. why do you think Z and i have stayed?"

"i wouldn't know."

"get your ass out of that chair and let's get ready for the wedding."

i nodded as i got up and Ally held out her arm for me to take. i linked my arm with hers as we left the room. when we found my dad, Ally let go of me and i linked arms with him. music began to play and the door opened. i did everything to avoid looking at Dinah.

"relax, babygirl. you shouldn't be tense at your own wedding." my dad whispered, harshly.

"you're the one forcing me into a marriage with a girl i don't love."

"only time will tell. if in a few months you don't develop feelings for her, i am allowing you to divorce her. did you get her to sign the pre-nup?"

"i did but she wasn't exactly happy about it. Ally told me how you wanted grandkids."

"we'll talk about this later." he said, kissing my cheek as he gave me away to Dinah.

i felt nothing when she touched me. no sparks, nothing. i looked at her and the same exact feeling came. i didn't love her and i didn't feel anything for her. she's just some woman that i'm about to marry. someone that i have a deep hatred for. she may never find out why.

the minister started saying the speech and when it came to the 'i do,' i put on a fake smile before saying those two words. she did the exact same thing but her smile wasn't genuine like it usually was. she's probably still mad at the fact i made her sign the pre-nup. after all that was done, we walked out and got in a car. we pretended to be lovey dovey until we got to the destination. she quickly got out and when we got in the elevator, she exploded on me.

"why do you think i would steal half of your shit if we get divorced? why in the world do you keep hurting me? what have i ever done to you?"

"i'm being cautious in case you try something."

"try what?! i really like you Normani but you don't feel the same way. i was hoping that today was going to be special but the moment i woke up, i knew it wasn't. i can't even be genuine with my feelings knowing that you'll just crush them." Dinah said, dejectedly as the elevator doors opened.

she walked out and didn't speak a word. we got in the room and she went straight to the bathroom, locking herself in there. i sighed in frustration before going to the closet to change out of this horrid dress. as i was undressing, i heard the door open but she never spoke. i continued to undress until i got in my pajamas. i looked back to see Dinah, in a tank top and shorts, on her phone.

"can we talk?"

"there's nothing to talk about since you are the one that never wanted to be married to me."

"it's not important."

"i put my heart on the line for this marriage and it's one-sided. couldn't you just for one second pretend to like me back? put on a show for our family even though my sisters know exactly what is happening. there is never going to be a happy ending and i know that now. if we're supposed to have sex, then let's do it. let's make babies for our parents. it's not like we'll ever do it again so why not try?"

"Dinah, i'm not about to have sex with you just because our parents wants grandkids. if i'm going to have sex with you, it has to be me making love to you or vice versa. i'm not having sex with someone i don't love."

Dinah didn't say anything but she stood up, grabbed a pillow and left. she was really irritating me because every time i said something she didn't like, she gives me the silent treatment.

"stop being a fucking asshole."

"oh now i'm the asshole for not wanting to talk to you. hm, i wonder why i don't want to fucking talk to you. you always say shit that i don't like because you don't like me. i fucking get that you don't like me but the fact that you remind me every damn day is inevitable. i can't walk away from the marriage to get away from your harsh words."

i didn't reply to her. i turned on my heels and went back to the room. if she knew what i had been through, she wouldn't have said that.

i flopped on the bed and stared at the ceiling for awhile before my eyes gave up and i fell asleep. when i woke up, Dinah wasn't there. i let out a sigh before walking into the kitchen to make some breakfast. just before i turned the stove on, the doorbell rang. i opened it and hoped for Dinah. when i saw who it was, my heart dropped.

"wasn't expecting me were you?" Camila asked, as she walked in with a bag of food and drinks.

"we got into an argument last night. how'd you find me?"

"i asked dad where he took you. he really didn't take you that far."

"of course not, he wants to keep eyes on us i guess. what are you doing here?"

"i came with breakfast. i needed to have a chat with my married sister."

"nothing to talk about. Dinah is beginning to hate me as the days go by."

"well if you would stop being a dick, this wouldn't be happening."

"Mila, you know why."

"you can't just keep blaming it on middle school. you don't know that it was Dinah that was bullying you. you should ask for her age if she talks to you but if she doesn't then i don't know what to tell you because you brought it upon yourself."

"this is more frustrating than before we had the wedding. the fact that we're married is surreal. i didn't want to marry someone i didn't love but i did."

"i'm leaving the food here but you're going to figure out a way to talk to her."

if i don't develop feelings within the next few months, i'll be able to divorce her and i'll be free. there's only one question that is running through my mind:

will i actually get to divorce Dinah?

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