chapter 8

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Dinah pov

"Mani please don't go.. i love you.." was all i said, as i watched her leave.

the moment the door closed, i fell to my knees and cried. never in my life have i ever felt so weak than in that moment right there. i had to get up and stop being this little wimp but i couldn't. i heard my phone go off and i answered without looking at the caller id.

"hello?" i asked, in a raspy voice.

"oh my god Dinah, i'm coming over. you're telling me everything."

she hung up the phone and i laid on the floor crying. before i could fall asleep, the door opened and Lauren barged in. she quickly went to me.

"sis, you're not supposed to be on the floor. let's get you cleaned up. your makeup's running."

"i don't care anymore. just let me be."

"you are not about to be like this after whatever happened with Normani."

"leave me here to rot."

"Dinah, shut the fuck up and get your ass up. i'm not letting you be this sad piece of shit i don't know."

"harsh much?" i said, snatching myself away from her.

"not as harsh as Normani yet you still love her."

"she doesn't love me back. she left and we're getting a divorce."

"that's a good thing. you deserve better."

"says you." i said, rolling my eyes.

"now what is that supposed to mean?"

"you always criticized who i dated. you didn't like anyone and when i find myself a girl that i actually fell in love with, you say i deserve better. she's the one that deserves better because she deserves happiness. she deserves someone that will spoil her. someone that will love her inside and outside. someone that wouldn't judge her for being guarded."

"why are you defending her?"

"because Lauren, she's blaming me for something Kehlani did. she thinks that i did it and i'm taking the blame for it. why? because i would rather her hate me than have her marry the one person that actually hurt her. i convinced dad to let me be the one to marry Normani."

"you knew about it but you never said anything."

"of course i did, but how i know is none of your business. you knew about this and you carried on the act. she didn't deserve to be bullied. she wanted to get surgery because she thought she was ugly. she got homeschooled for the rest of her middle school years because of Kehlani. you could've stopped it but you didn't. you didn't do shit. you want to know why i don't like being around you guys? that's why. i had to pretend i didn't know and take all the harsh words from Normani. i had to tell people that i wished she'd love me back or why did she hate me so much when i knew exactly why. i love her and you guys ruined her."


"please just go. i don't want to talk to you anymore. Kehlani better not come over here either. i know you guys. you try anything and i will change every lock in this house to prevent you guys from coming in here and talking to me."

i laid on my back and stared at the ceiling as Lauren left. i took the blame and had Normani hate me because of what Kehlani did. i just recently found out that Normani wanted surgery when she was younger. i didn't mean to listen in on the conversation but i was taking out the trash when i heard them talking. i found out why she hated me through her sleep talking. it was like the first time we ever slept in the same bed together since we needed to get closer before the wedding.


*a couple weeks later*

i woke up to Tori sitting on the edge of my bed. i groaned before sitting up.

"Lani and Lo sent you didn't they?"

"they asked me to but it's not why i'm here."

"i'm here because Zendaya has been telling me that Normani has been breaking down. she called me freaking out the day Normani said she wanted to divorce you. from talking with Zendaya, i found out that Normani does love you but she doesn't want to. she had to leave because she can't shake off what happened to her. aka what Kehlani did to her."

"she loves me?" i asked, in disbelief.

"yeah, D. she does love you but look, i don't know if you guys will work it out. let this distance be the reason you guys come back to each other. the more you miss each other, the better. you'll come to her or even better, she'll come to you. she'll tell you everything and you just listen. or you could tell her the truth if she comes back to you."

"why can't i tell her now?"

"she needs time to be away from you. she has to focus on her work and try to make money."

"how will she stop thinking of me?"

"she won't but she'll try to. all you got to do is be there for her when she comes to you. also if you need a job, i got you covered."

"what do you mean?"

"you're going to be my assistant."

"you mean i'll be able to help people in your aid?"

"yes, you will. i've worked my ass off for this and i only took the job if i could pick my assistant."

"Tori, thank you so much!" i screamed, hugging her.

she smiled as she hugged me back. i was really happy to have Tori in my life. she was the one that told me about Kehlani. Tori was my eyes and ears for anything. she was there when i needed her.

"you're welcome. i have to go back to work in a little bit but you're starting work tomorrow morning. so your ass is getting up hella early. i'll buy you breakfast so you aren't grouchy."

"i love you Tori. you're the best."

"i love you too and i know. i try my best."

i smiled and watched as she left the room. i grabbed my phone on the nightstand and checked the time. it was only 9:40 pm. so i took an hour and a half nap. great, now what the fuck am i supposed to do f- i was cut off by the doorbell. i wasn't going to move but they kept persisting and i was getting irritated. i got up and walked down the stairs. the more they kept ringing the bell, the more i wanted to punch them in their face.

when i opened the door, i was not expecting them to be there at this time of night.

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