chapter 13

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Normani pov

i set off to my uncle's cabin and all the memories started coming back. he's the reason i started hating guys. i was little and he was drunk. if Dinah actually knew what had happened, i don't think she'd want to stay with me.

*trigger warning: drunk and rape*


*14 years ago*

"Normani, come here." uncle Norman said, patting his lap.

i didn't disobey him because he was drunk. he had a bottle in his hand, drinking it as i got on his lap. i could feel his hands start going up on my leg. i got off his leg and tried to run. he caught me, grabbing a handful of my hair, as he dragged me across the floor. he hurled his empty bottle at the wall, causing me to flinch. he grabbed my face roughly.

"you know what happens when you disrespect me." he said, unbuckling his belt buckle.

i squirmed around, trying to get out of his grip. when i got out, i ran again. i could've made it out if i hadn't tripped. he grabbed my legs as he dragged me again. his pants were off and he harshly flipped me around. he took off my pants and underwear, before inserting his thing into my thing. i screamed out in pain as he forcefully went deeper. i begged him to stop but he didn't listen. he kept going at it. i laid there helpless because he held me down so i couldn't move. i cried as he began to shake. he took it out and started touching it going up and down. whatever came out of it got on me and i screamed.

he smiled at me before putting some on his finger and shoving it in my mouth. he forced me to taste whatever shot out of his thing. after that day, i begged my dad to never leave me alone with uncle Norman. i told him everything and my dad was so furious. i never knew what happened but i stopped seeing uncle Norman. he was completely gone.

*end of flashback*

i shuddered when i came back to reality. i gripped the steering wheel as i looked at the cabin in front of me. out of all places, why did you have to choose this one?

i got out of my car and knocked on the door. when i heard someone say 'come in', i entered and saw my grandfather swishes his drink in his hand smiling at me.

"i knew you'd come. it was only a matter of time."

"you didn't have to kill her."

"actually i did. if i didn't, my boy wouldn't stand a chance in marrying you."


"it is a sin for a girl and girl to be together. god made a girl and boy for a reason."

"you love who you love regardless of gender."

"that is what you think. that is not what i think. tell me can two girls get pregnant? what about two boys?"

"no they can't. it's not your life, they might want to adopt kids or just not want any at all. why is it any of your business?"

"it disgusts me that two genders fall in love. i don't like it and i will not have my granddaughter be one of those people."

"you can't change who i am."

"maybe not but you will forcefully love this guy and have his kids."

"i will not."

"oh yes you will."

"if i don't?"

"i'm going after the ones you love first. i'm going to save your parents for last."

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