"Damn, you gotta try this" I laugh happily and offer Logan to drink some of the juice only to see him staring blankly at his food.
Then I realised what it is about because I hear the comment for second time 'The heck is that fatty dude doing with Anna'
I ignored it the first time but seems like Logan didn't. I am shocked because I thought Logan ignore these things too.
"Hey" I called him out and cover his fist that he place on the desk. He jump before looking up at me with sad eyes which he mask it quickly. The thing I saw leave a pang in my heart.
"Logan. Don't give a fuck to what they say. You should know better that they are only saying these things because you are with me" I don't like that he was disrespected like that just because of my problem. It's all that Jake's fault. "Let's get out of here" I say as I got up.
Logan stood quietly and follows me. We walk to the pretty empty hallway but I stop dead tracks when I see Jack and his bitch a few feet away. They were making out right there. I hated the fact that he still have some effect on me.
I feel Logan taking the drink from my hand and Logan open the lid and whisper "watch" Before I knew it Logan threw the drink at Jack's direction and quickly pull me into the empty room next to us. We both duck and kneel on the ground facing each other while we hear Jack and Mary screaming like little kids.
I look at him with wide eyes and my mouth hung open while his blue eyes stare back at mine mischiviously. Then out of a sudden I burst out laughing which came out as a muffle as Logan quickly cover my mouth with his big hands.
I can only stare at him grinning widely while my body is shaking like crazy the whole time we hear Jake and Mary cursing.
After it quiet down and I calm myself, he took his hand away.
"What was that?" I whisper yell.
He shrugs "I dunno"
"Don't you I don't know me!"
He look at me with all jokes aside, "He hurt you"
I lick my lips not knowing what to say.
"Admit it, you enjoyed that" he arch a brow.
"Hell ya" I grin at him before we laugh again.
I realised that this is something I never done or had with a friend. I had lots of friends in high school as I was the popular soccer girl. But I never had this connection with anyone in particular. The closest one I had was Judy but we both were just comfortable with following the rules.
This is what it feels like to do something mischivious a friend. It feel nice. Damn nice. I dont know if it's just him or the thing that happened.
"You are really my true friend" I tell him, I hope I don't lose him.
He stood up quickly so I couldn't read his expression.
"Yeah" he sighs.
Both the football teams and soccer team are practicing harder than ever because second semester is almost coming up and it will be followed by 3month holiday. Yes there will be practice during that too but after that there will be freshman and some of them are actually good enough to replace some players. No one like getting replaced or getting to be subtitute that's why we are working hard to show the coach we are worth geeting today.
Secondly, the football team are having a match with Warriors who beat us up on the last football season.
I wonder if I'll be a captain as Alcie is graduating this year. Everyone knows I'm next but I wonder if the coach dislike for me will make him change it.
"Hart" Coach snaps. Crap! There goes another point. I concentrate back to what I was doing.
"Anna" Luke calls me as he approach me. Luke is the type of guy that makes girls giggle around him with his tall frame, sandy blonde hair and green eyes. He's also the captain of boys team so he often come over to help us practice.
"Are you mad at something?"
I laughed, "No why?"
"You are hitting the ball like you are angry" he chuckles.
I groaned, "Just stressed out" I hear the coach dismissing up at a distance at the same time I see the football team walking on the road making me giddy to meet Logan up.
"Ok. See you tomorrow" he pats top of my head playfully like always do making me laugh.
"Gotta go" I said quickly and run to the bleachers to pick up my bag. I take off my shoes as it was hot and run arcross the field to the other side where the football field is which is separated by the bleachers with both shoes still in ma hand.
I stop dead tracks when I reach there, Logan was still jogging as if he's going another lap.
"Logan" I shout as I approach. He stop and turn to face me. He was already breathing hard when I stand in front of him.
"I thought practice is over"
"It is" he said flatly while staring at the ground.
"So...what are you still doing"
"I still have 5more laps to go"
"How much does the coach lets you"
"10 but I was slower than the rest" he looks embarrased to say that.
"So coach is punishing you?"
Now I understand. He is pushing himself hard. I admire that he is so determined. He is really working hard.
I bend down to put on my shoes.
"What are you doing?"
"I have 5laps to run" I stood up straight to find him looking at me as if he's trying to figure me out.
"Come on" I said as I started to jog. I smile when he jogs beside me.
"By the way are you losing weight?" I ask him then take another glance at his body.
"Yeah" he nods.
"Are you on diet!?" I ask him more firmly.
He chuckles, "No. I gained weight last year because...I was depressed. Now my body is starting to get back to the way it was before"
"Oh" I stop to face him, "I'm sorry you hear that you were in that condition" I don't know how it feels like but I remember my brother once was. He never attempt to suiside or anything but he was like a robot. Doing everything simply cause he have to. We all try to help him but I learn that all he need was support and he is the only one who can help himself. Logan must have gone through that. I wonder what cause it. "Are you okay now?"
"Yes I am" he say then reach up to playfully tug my ponytail, "We are going run or stop to play 20Q game?"
"Sorry, let's continue"
"And I promise you'll stilll like me then" he grins.
I laughed "ok"
A/N- One more chapter left before the present. Hope you guys enjoy:)

Down To You[Wattys2017]
Jugendliteratur[Warning: PG-18] The healing process after a break up shouldn't be this difficult. Soccer player Annabelle Hart gave up on relationships after her quarterback boyfriend Jacob cheated on her. She thought she had pushed him out of her life, until Jaco...