Chapter 1~ Guess What the B Stands For

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Chapter 1

                  “Davenport Academy  is one of the best schools in the country. Well known for Its reputation for outstanding academic achievement is known world-wide and reflects the intellectual achievement of its students, as well as the world-class original research carried out by the staff of the Academy. We rival respected colleges state and national level academic level competition. Even with our superior minds and lively spirits…" we are still just teenagers and the rules of the High School jungle still apply. Only here at Davenport the rules are a little twisted.

                 "I’m Windsor Philips and I’ve been attending Davenport Academy since Freshmen year. Very few of the students here can say that. So you all should be very proud of yourself for making the cut and being able to transfer in this year,” I gave a welcoming smile to the nine transferring Freshmen in front of me. Adding them, the Freshmen class now stands at one hundred and two. The reason why they’re standing in front of me now has nothing to do with them, its because their parent’s wallets are big enough.

                   “Windsor! Windsor, can I ask you something?” a girl was shouting at me from the other end of the hall. She nearly tripped when she caught up with me.

                   I sighed. I wasn’t really up for helping people so early in the morning, but she did look kind of needy. I sighed, “You just did.”

                  “Um can I ask you two things?” she held up two fingers like a toddler, it was almost laughable.

                 “Go ahead,” I was a great advice giver. Everyone was always coming to me with there problems. I did it the first time to get a girl to shut up and it actually was something helpful. But now I do it to get a hold on everyone’s dirty little secrets.

                  “I really need your advice. Pete is really sweet and nice and loving and dependable and…”

                    “Get to the point,” all the little details weren’t really important. We were talking about the feelings of a teenaged boy romanticized by a teenaged girl.

                  “Okay. Well I’ve been with him for a while and…”

                   “How longs a while?”

                   “Five months. I know he loves me and I really love him…um, Pete keeps saying that we should do it, but I’m not really sure if we should,” her cheeks were starting to redden. Was she really blushing just from talking about sex.

                  “It?” Who says that? Do it? You would think we go to a strict all girls’ catholic school where they’re constantly shoving the Bible down our throats.

               “You know it…it. Sex,” she whispered to where I could barely hear her.

               “Right. Listen Ruth…”

              “Its Katie.”

            “Whatever. Just sleep with him,” I said simply and her jaw dropped.

            “What? I don’t think…”

             “…That you might not be ready?” she nodded her head quickly, “then break up with him. The fact that he waited five months and is asking you means that he hasn’t cheated on you yet. But its gonna happen... I’m sure of it. Sex is like air, its not important unless you aren’t getting any. So go give him some air,” I gave her a comforting smile.

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