Chapter 6 ~ Umbrella Term

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Chapter 6 ~ Umbrella Term

                 “You’ve been my girlfriend for a whole week, how do you feel?” Fakir asked lounging on my couch once again. What would he do if my mom was home more often?

                 “Like you’ve glued your butt to my couch. You’re always over here,” I said as I finished up the dishes.

                  “It’s just for show,” he said flipping the channels. He really has made himself at home here.

                  “Nobody knows where I live,” I explained once again.

                  “Small details.”

                   I rolled my eyes and took a seat. “You’re so full of it. You know my brother is starting to think I really like you.”

                 “It is only natural that you would,” he shrugged.

                 “I know almost nothing about you and from what I can see there isn’t much to like,” I challenged.

                 Fakir got up from his lazed position, so he could trap me in the corner of the couch. There was something about the way he was looking at me, like he was trying to read what I was thinking. The look in his eyes were so focused.

                “There’s so much more to me that the eye can see. I’m a vampire after all,” he said in a low calm voice.

                 I looked away, the constant eye contact making me uncomfortable. “You know I don’t believe that.”

                “I’m not a fairy, you don’t have to believe. Not a single vampire is going to drop down dead somewhere because you don’t,” he said with this dark tone. A smirk touched his lips as he sat back down.

               “What makes you a vampire?” I asked simply to humor him.


               “So, if you’re a vampire, do you drink blood?”

               “I’ve never had a drop of it before,” Fakir said, clearly unimpressed by my cliché questions.

               “Then how can you call yourself a vampire, when that is the one thing, that is a must. You can  cast everything else off as a made up belief, but if you don’t drink blood your human,” I said. I was so over this nonsense. I’m pretending to be his girlfriend to trick his mother, but this vampire stuff had to stop. Especially if he wasn’t going to play the part of what a vampire should be. A creature of the night, a tortured soul, or something.

              “Human is an umbrella term,” he sighed like I was getting on his nerves.

              “What?” I frowned.

              “An umbrella term, just like you would label a lion and an Egyptian Mau under the category of cat. Vampires and people like yourself are labeled under human. Vampires are human, just a different race, species. And even within in the species of vampire there are different breeds. There are the ones that are going extinct because they’re like lions, wild and kill without feeling remorse. Then there are the domesticated and socialized type that almost never kill and are the most similar to your type of human. That’s the type I am,” Fakir explained. He had this smug look on his face like he was something so special.

             I had sat there and seriously took in everything he was saying. The complexities between what is a human being and what is a vampire. His short monologue may have even swayed my reason, causing me to believe what he claimed to be. My next words I said with complete honesty and seriousness.

            “So, basically…you’re a harmless pussy?” I said and then couldn’t control my laughter.

            To say that the look on his face was priceless would be an under statement. He just started cursing me under his breath as he angrily flipped the channels, not even waiting for the picture to appear.

             After that Fakir tried to keep away from the vampire topic. Just watching TV on my couch everyday like a bum. He liked to watch the weirdest things, everyday at four we’d watch Arthur. The PBS television show about the ant eater. Fakir being here had become so common that Jamie was treating him like an older brother.

             Things with him were starting to get comfortable, too comfortable. If things kept up like this I would end up breaking the main rule of our contract.



I know this chapter was a little short, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles. It just means that the next chapter will be sooner rather than later. :D

The song is a little random, but I'll fan the first person to tell me what movie it's from. I was listening to it while I was writing.


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