Chapter 3 ~ Blackmail

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Chapter 3

             "Who are you really?" Jaime asked with his arms crossed. I was a person who went on dates, not have boyfriends and Jaime knew this.

             "I'm her boyfriend," Fakir insisted pulling me even closer to him.

             "No he's not! Jaime, go call the cops."

              "And tell them what?" Jaime did have a point, what would he tell the cops. Fakir drove me here and its not like he really did anything wrong. But still!

              "I'll just do it!" I smacked Fakir's arm off my shoulder and started to pass by Jaime. But before I could make it safely inside Fakir took hold of my wrist. "Let go!"

             "Let's talk first...inside," he raised his brow. I had a feeling he was up to something and that I really didn't have any choice, but to agree. The standoff went into the living room. Jaime went back to the space he made on the floor with the couch pillows in front of the tv. I choose the end seat of the couch, but I regretted it because Fakir had chosen the arm chair, the dominant seat in the room.

             "You're attracted to me."

              It caught me off guard for him to start his negotiations this way. Jaime shook his head and turned up the tv. "Yesterday you tried so hard it was pathetic. You even followed me around," my eyes grow wide, he knew we were following him? So could he had been with Jenna on purpose? "But today you acted like it never happened, being playful like you were only being friendly. When I said I was your boyfriend I saw the way your eyes lit up, I could even hear how your heart sped up, but you still deny that its true."

             I couldn't have been read the easliy, it has to be only his ego talking. But still, he has to be saying all this for a reason. "What's you point?"

              "Girls instinctively want what they can't have. A guy appears more attractive to a girl, if the guy either has a girlfriend or is being sought after by other women. If they think you don't have a girlfriend, their interest level drops. The main reason why everyone cares now is because I'm new, but once that wares off I'll be like everyone else. So your gonna pretend to be my girlfriend," I wanted nothing more than to smack that smug look off his face.

            "What if I don't?"

             "I don't think I could keep my promise."

             He was blackmailing me?! "What do I have to do?"

            Fakir smirked, knowing that he had me. "Haven't you ever had a boyfriend before? It's not rocket science."

             "Winnie, how long is your boyfriend gonna stay?" Jaime whined.

            "Don't call him that! And he's!" I got to my feet ready to drag him out if need be.

           "I know it sounds weird to me too, but you guys are talking to much and I'm trying to much and I'm trying to watch Adventure Time With Finn and Jake."

            "Awe, Winnie can't I stay? It's a Marceline episode, she's my favorite," Fakir said using Jaime's nickname for me.

             "Get out! I pointed towards the door. He got up from the chair and took my hand pulling me towards the door.

             "I'll pick you up Monday for..." he started, but I cut him off.

             "I have a car."

               He chuckled and ran a hand threw his dark hair. "Try not to fall for me," he placed his hand on my cheek and I gasped. He tilted his head and lean forward. I closed my eyes purely out of reflex and awaited his kiss. "Because I have no interest in you," his words whispered in my ear.

               My eyes snapped open and I pushed him out the door. He stumbled, but was quick to compose himself and laugh at me. "Asshole!" I yelled and slammed the door.

              "Windsor, your boyfriend leave?"

             "Shut up!" I yelled at Jaime and marched my way upstairs.


             "Come on Jaime, its time to get up," I cooed while gently shaking him.

             "God wouldn't even get up at this hour," he mummbled and pulled the covers over his head.

            "It's only fifteen minutes earlier than when I normally wake you up," I said with a normal volume.


            Fakir was why. I spent half the night trying to come up with some way to get him back, but came up with nothing. "I've got a point to prove."

             "Well do it on your own time, I'm sleeping," he said with a yawn. I tore back the sheets to reveal his boxer clad body. "Fine, fine! I'm up!"

             I hurried Jaime along so we could leave earlier and so I could make it to Jaime's school. Unlike me, Jaime went to a regular public school. He normally rode the bus to and from school, but I had to get out of the house before Fakir shows up. He's such an ass! Who does he think he is? He just got here and thinks he can boss people around.

              Fakir wasn't in class when it first started. I could picture him now, waiting outside my door, getting all fustrated because nobody was answering. Twenty minutes later Fakir walks in tardy slip in hand.

              "Were you late because you came by my house?" serves him right, he hand no business trying to tell me what to do.

              "Why would I got to your house?"

              My look of fake concern turned into one of confusion, "You said, that you were going to take me to school today."

            "Oh, that's right," he forgot? This has to be some kind of joke. "Well that doesn't matter, you got here."

             I let out a humorless laugh, "You're unbelivable."



I don't know what's up with Wattpad but it's not letting me paste in my new post. So I had to re-type all this from my word document. This Chapter is also cut short because it was a pain in the butt to re-type something that was already done.

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