Chapter 5 ~ Contract

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Chapter 5 ~ Contract

                   “I’m in here squirt,” I called out to Jaime. There was no point in trying to hide Fakir from him. It was me and Jaime against the world after all.

                   “What’s with the boyfriend on my couch? I thought you scared him off,” Jaime said as he entered the living room.

                   “I’m hard to scare,” Fakir let out a hearty laugh.

                    Jaime took a step closer and looked Fakir over with calculating eyes. Suddenly without a word of warning Jaime clapped his hands in front of Fakir’s face, causing Fakir to jump.“Yeah, real hard,” Jaime scoffed.

                   “I think it’s time you left,” I said still laughing a bit. Fakir followed me without having to be physically forced.

                   “You’re always kicking me out,” Fakir said when he stepped out on the porch.

                    “Then you should be used to it,” I said as I started to close the door, but Fakir was quick to stop me.

                    “I’ll be back beautiful,” he smirked.

                    “Gross!” Jaime roared from the living room.

                    “Get out,” I said and firmly closed the door.

                    “So is he really your boyfriend?” Jaime asked when I came back into the living room.

                    “Yeah. For now at least,” I said. If Fakir was going to have fun with this arrangement I guess I would try also.


                    The next morning I got ready like normal. Wake Jaime, get him dress, fed, and out to the bus stop on time. It wasn’t until I was about to leave myself did I think about Fakir. Instead of worrying about the situation I went ahead and text him.

                   “Are you picking me up or am I being independent?

                  “Independence wouldn’t kill you, but I’m already here.”

                   I took a look out of my window and saw him leaning against his car. “Okay,” I text him back before I got my shoes and headed out the house.

                   Fakir was still leaning up against his car when I got outside, but as I got closer I noticed that his hair was gelled up and he was putting on this act like he was a character. “What’s with the get up?” I asked.

                   “What? It’s Twilight, I’m a vampire. I thought girls loved this stuff,” Fakir said, sounding somewhat offended because I didn’t make the connection myself. He had even gone as far to buy the book.

                    “I’m not twelve. And it hurts that you think I read that,” I said before I got in the car.

He threw the brand new book in the back. “Wasted fifteen bucks on a book,” Fakir grumbled.

                    “ Fifteen dollars must be pennies to a rich kid like yourself.” I rolled my eyes. He was a cheapskate to be complaining about so little.

                    “My parents are rich, I’m not,” he said in between his grumbles.


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