Chapter 7 ~ Double Date

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Chapter 7 ~ Double Date

                I was wrong. I was way more notorious than I thought. The fact that I had a boyfriend was just too much for people to swallow. It’s been a month and things were only just now starting to die down.

                Ignoring the lingering rumors, I managed to have fun going along with this charade. There was still now word from his mother about us being together and because of that, sometimes I wonder if I was just lied too. I’m sure from the outside looking in we look like any other couple. 

             “Windsor, Windsor, Windsor!” Megan called as she jetted down the hall.

             “Why are you so excited?” She was jumping around like a bunny hopped up on coke.

            “Because, get this, Swayze Silver asked me out for Valentine’s Day!” Megan squealed. It wasn’t that getting asked out for Valentine’s Day and by the Swayze Silver, former student and legend at our school, wasn’t big. It was just that this was Megan we were talking about and Swayze was one of those Jesus Freaks.

            “Are you sure he knows what day that is and more importantly, who you are?” I asked seriously. For all I know, he could have just heard about her recent activities and wanted to get her saved.

          “Yes and yes! You’re not going to be the only one with a boyfriend,” she with a satisfied look. So this is what it was really about, Megan is just trying to out do me.  I got a high school senior and she strikes back with a college freshmen.

          “I just never thought you were the kind. You get bored so easily,” I said as I piled my books in my locker, with testing coming up teacher were assigning less homework. I had pretty much lost all interest in Megan’s talk about Swayze. Whatever happens between them won’t last long and I’d bet my life on it. I know Megan all too well.

         “Any other guy would have a week tops. I’ve had my eye on Swayze for over a year now, but he always had a girlfriend,” she continued on.

         “I don’t…” I started, but was cut off by Fakir’s sudden contact.

         He always sneaks up out of nowhere, it makes me jump every time. He kissed me on the cheek and started to sway from side to side with his arms wrapped firmly around my waist. “Hey,” Fakir said with a silky smooth voice. I could feel the smile that was forming on his face with his cheek against mine.

          Times like this is when I want to question everything. I know we are only pretending, but could an act be so good that it fools the actors?

        “See I want that,” Megan pouted.

        “Well you’ve had just about everything else,” I said rolling my eyes, but she didn’t catch on.

        “I know. I’m eighteen, this is Senior year! I need a boyfriend for prom and everything.”

       “Just don’t mess up your date and you’ll have one.”

       “Come with me,” Megan said hanging off my arm.

       “Excuse me?” I frowned.

       “You and Fakir, if you two come he won’t think I just want to sleep with him like everybody else,” she whined and started pouting.

      “Everybody else?” Fakir whispered in my ear. I covered my mouth to keep from laughing. Megan does get around and she wasn’t ashamed of it.

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