his car was yellow
and the engine was loud.
it sputtered and stopped
but it made us laugh.
we made it about twenty miles
until it started acting up
and we had to take it to a shop.
we passed the time
in a café,
much different from the one
back home.
i sketched
while we shared stories
and drank coffee.
by night fall, the car was
up and ready to go,
but we were both tired,
so we decided a nights rest
in this foreign town was
just what we needed.
your brother had his
he said you know
too often and
he was obsessed with
taking pictures.
and as the night crept on
and he drifted off on the sofa
i turned over in the bed
and pressed my face into the pillow.
because i had glanced back at
my aimless sketches,
and they were all of you.

sail away
Romance"what did you do while i was away?" he asked. and she never answered, until now.