How Did Sherlock Fake His Suicide?

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*The Reichanbach Fall and The Empty Hearse Spoilers*

Okay everybody, we all saw it. Sherlock Holmes fell off of St. Bart's rooftop and hit the ground. There was blood, he had no pulse, and he practically died in John Watson's arms. Then, we all see that he is actually alive! So, how did he fake his suicide?

From watching The Empty Hearse, we know 3 possible theories, but we still do not know which one, or if any of them, are correct.

The first one, Sherlock had the bungee rope cord thing (whatever you'd like to call it) and he jumped off with it attached to his clothes. He springs up from the ground while Jim Moriarty's body is laid on the pavement with a believable Sherlock mask provided by our favorite pathologist. Sherlock then bursts through a window, and then has a great snog with Molly Hooper. (Daww my OTP)

The second one, just completely confuses me. Yes, I know that there are people who ship Sheriarty, or Moriarlock, or what ever, and that is completely fine! Ship whoever the hell you want to! Don't let people sink your ship! I honestly do not believe that that could ever happen. So, what happened? Sherlock held up a dummy with a crappy paper mask of his face taped on to it and he sat back with Jim Moriarty, on the phone with John, leaving his note. After he ends the call, he lets go of the rope and let's it fall. Sherlock and Moriarty giggle for a few seconds, look into eachothers eyes, and then lean in for a kiss.

The third one, Sherlock falls off, lands on an airbag. In The Reichanbach Fall, Sherlock deduced that since the little girl Moriarty had kidnapped recognized him and was terrified by him, Moriarty must have found a man that looked like him enough to make the girl believe that he had kidnapped them. This meant that there was a body in the morgue that looked like him, so Molly found the body, faked the paperwork, and they put the corpse on the pavement so that John sees it and believes that it is Sherlock. John is knocked unconcious for a few moments by the cyclist. While he is knocked out, members of Sherlock's "homeless network" paint some fake blood on his face. He then switches with the body and the homless network forms a crowd around him while John regains conciousness and they make the scene look realistic with a lot of fake blood. Finally, Sherlock put the squeeze ball in his armpit and applied enough pressure to stop his pulse.

The question is, which one of these is real? Are any of them real?

The first theory and the third theory are the most realistic ones. The only problem I see with the first one is the Derren Brown bit. And lets face it, Moriarty is dead. Yes, he is my favorite villian of all time, but we saw he shoot himself. There was immediate blood, and they decided to be realistic enough to make a little bit of head show in the trail of blood. The second theory, I am afraid, can not be possible.

So that leaves us with the first and the second theory. Which one is true? Maybe neither of them are true and there is a whole different theory that we haven't even thought of. Or maybe they are both true.

Maybe, if you mix them up a bit then you have the correct solution to the final problem. Maybe, Sherlock jumped onto the airmattress, got all bloodied up while Moriarty's corpse is thrown to the pavement, or placed on the pavement, with a Sherlock mask. Then maybe he switched with the corpse, used the squeeze ball under his armpit, and then when he was brought up to the morgue, he and Molly Hooper had that brilliant snog (Sorry, I really want to believe it! Don't all shippers want their OTP to become canon?).

But anyway, Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss promised us at Comic Con that we will know the answer, just not without teasing first. (Those trolls)

Wow, two rants in one day? I'm feeling very opinionated today! xxx


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