Chapter 2

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"Luhan? Luhan! Earth to Luhan!"

Luhan snapped out of his daze and stared wide-eyed at one of his bestfriend, Baekhyun. "Y-Yeah?"

Baekhyun scoffed and leaned against Luhan's shoulder. "What were you thinking about? I called you over a million times!" Baekhyun asked, a little curious. Luhan looked down at his fingers and shrugged.

"I-I guess I'm nervous about school tomorrow."

Baekhyun looked at his bestfriend before laughing. "Don't worry, Lulu. Our school isn't even that awesome. It's not even worth worrying about."

Luhan nodded at Baekhyun before collapsing on Baekhyun's bed. Luhan was glad he'd atleast have Baekhyun at his new school. Luhan, along with his other bestfriend Tao, were to attend Baekhyun's school to learn more about languages. Luhan felt a relief come over his body when he found out his friends Baekhyun and Kyungsoo already attended that school, so he'd know some people that went there.

"Oh. One thing. Watch out for the kings." Baekhyun scoffed at the last word.

"What do you mean, hyunnie?" the deer asked.

"There's 4 guys at our school who're known as the "kings". They kind of rule the school. Sehun is the principal's son, so he gets away with everything. Then there's Kai, the dancing machine. He's Sehun's childhood friend. Every girl worhips him. Then there's Kris. The basketbal genius. No one's been close to beating him in a game. Girls are always over him. Then lastly, there's Chanyeol. He's not really a jerk or anything. He's basically the glue of the group. He's the one that brings them all close together." Baekhyun concluded, rolling his eyes.

"W-What's wrong with them?" Luhan asked, intrigued at the thought of school being ruled by students. He only watched those in dramas, like Boys Before Flowers and Hana Yori Dango. 

"If you get on their nerves, they'll make your life a living hell. Or worse. They'll make you fall in love with them." Baekhyun landed on his bed as well, placing his head on Luhan's back.

"What do they do? What's wrong with liking them?"

Baekhyun chuckled a little. Oh Luhan. The innocent bambi. "Well..for starters, they'll trash-can you. That's the start. Then they burn all your class's desks so you won't be able to sit. Then they beat up all your friends, so your friends would never talk to you ever again. If they make you fall in love with them, they'll be like the best boyfriends in the world. Then when your head over heels for them, they'll dump you in the most embarrassing way, in front of the whole school." Baekhyun looked down, thinking about the past poor girl who moved out of the country because of Kris. 

All the poor girl did was accidentally touch Kris's precious basketball. Next thing she knew, she was drugged, framed in sleeping with 4 guys at the same time, the kings taking pictures for evidence, then printing hundreds of the pictures and taping them all over the school. Baekhyun had to give her props for not commiting suicide. He probably would've commited suicide. 

Luhan's eyes widened as he heard the terrible stories of the "kings". "Have they ever picked on you or Kyungsoo?" Luhan asked, hoping they didn't.


Luhan let out a breath of relief.

"Me and Kyungsoo stay out of their way. I'm sure they don't even know we exist. Which. Is a good thing." Luhan nodded his head, filled with a little more nervousness about going to school tomorrow.



"Do you think I should get a haircut? I hair is getting long. I want to look fresh for school tomorrow!"

Baekhyun turned to look at Luhan for a good 4 seconds. "Nawhh, I like you with your hair length that way. It makes you look like an adorable girl!" Luhan frowned at his friend's comment.

"I don't want to look like a girl!" Luhan scoffed, putting a pillow over his head. "Lulu~ I was kidding. But I really do like your hair that length. Cut it in a week or something." 

Luhan threw the pillow off his head before nodding. "D-Do you think I'll be looked weirdly at tomorrow?" Luhan asked, looking at his friend.

"Nawhh, trust me. You'll fit right in!" Baekhyun reassured, not knowing he couldn't be any more wrong.

Wait... She's A Dude?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon