Chapter 9

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Senior Trip Buddies!

"Kyungie~ I can't go to school today...I didn't finish my homework."


Luhan flinched as he removed his phone from his ear, hoping Kyungsoo's motherly instinct didn't make him partially deaf.

"Kyungie! I can't go to school! I just transferred to school! It'd be a bad impression to the teacher if the new student didn't one day's worth of homework!" Luhan whined, hoping Kyungsoo wouldn't kill him for this.

"... UHG! Luhan! If you knew you had homework, why did you play around all weekend!?" 

Yup. Kyungsoo's temper wasn't going to cool down any time soon.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! I promise this will be the first and last time!" Luhan begged into the phone.

"... Fine. I'll tell the teacher you're sick." Kyungsoo finally gave in, huffing a breath.

"Thank you! Thank you! I'll see you after school! Tell me what I miss out on!" Luhan beamed, smiling into the phone.

"Will do! You better finish your homework! I'm hanging up!" 

"Okaaaaaaaaaay!" Luhan smiled as he hung up his phone and laid ontu Baekhyun's bed. Yes, Luhan was currently living with Baekhyun's family until he'd return to China after the school year ended. "Okay, Luhan! Let's finish up your homework! Hwaiting!"

"Okay, class! Today's anno-"

Sehun slammed the door open, cutting the teacher off, Kai following behind him as they walked to their seats at the back of the classroom.

"Before I was INTERRUPTED. Ahem." Mrs. Kim paused, staring at Sehun and Kai, waiting for them to apologize--only for them to blankly stare and blink at her. Mrs. Kim sucked in a huge breath before clearing her throat and lifted back the paper.

"Anyway. As you guys have been expecting, we're going on a senior trip in 2 days an-" 

"WOOOOOOOOT. FUCK YES! FREE FROM SCHOOL FOR A WEEK! HELL YES!" All the students stood up and cheered, cutting off Mrs. Kim once more.

"ALL OF YA'LL SHUT THE HELL UP AND SIT DOWN SO I CAN JUST GET THE PARTNERING OVER WITH!" Mrs. Kim yelled, hitting her desk with her yard stick. Immediately, all the students sat back down in their seats, scratching the back of their heads.

"Goddamn. Is it so difficult to sit in a chair for 5 minutes? ADHD ass kids, my god!" Mrs. Kim huffed, rubbing her temples.

"ANYWAY. For the third freaking time. We'll be going on a mountain trip andifanyofyouguysstandupandshout, Iamnotafraidtohityourasseswiththisruler." Mrs. Kim said, glaring at all the students, daring them to interrupt her again. She happily smiled when a pen dropping could be heard. 

"Now. Here are your buddies. There are NO switching buddies. This is life. Deal with it. Here are the partners:

Hyorin-Luna Cabin A1

Amber-Victoria Cabin A2

Chaerin-Tiffany Cabin A3

"Oh come on! I have to be buddies with that preppy ass chick!?" Chaerin shouted, standing up from her seat, pointing at Tiffany who batted her eyelashes at her. 

"No. Switching. Chaerin. I'm sorry." Mrs. Kim replied, expecting Chaerin to say something. Chaerin huffed a breath and sat back down in her seat, flipping Tiffany off who tauntingly waved her fingers.

Wait... She's A Dude?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon