Chapter 23

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No One's POV

While Baekhyun and Chanyeol are having sex...

"Tell me if you see him." Kris whispered as he tried to hide his huge body behind Luhan's. Luhan giggled at the sight as he nodded his head and continued walking out of the forest. "Mind telling me what happened between you and Tao?" Luhan asked after minutes of walking around. Luhan heard Kris sigh and turned around, stopping the both of them. "I kind in the moment." Kris shrugged as he looked down at the ground, kicking a small pebble.

"What do you mean?" Luhan asked, crossing his arms, sitting down on the grass. Kris plopped down on the grass next to Luhan before continuing his story. "Kyrstal was talking to me, and mocking me about whether I was gay or not. And I'm one of the Kings. I got under the pressure and kind of splurted out that Tao was a burden to me."

"Kris, Tao--"

"No. Wait. Let me finish." Kris raised his hand up, signaling Luhan to stop talking. "Even though I said Tao was a burden, he really isn't. He bugs me sometimes and practically makes me his slave, but he always smiles afterwards, assuring me that he's just joking around. Whenever he forces me to do something and I end up getting hurt some-how, he always rushes over and makes sure I'm okay. He really isn't a burden. I'm actually thinking I'm starting to like him." 

"Kris. Tao is--"

"No. Hold on. I'm not done yet." Kris shushed Luhan once more before sucking in a breath. "I miss him, Luhan. I actually miss someone for the first time in my life. Is it weird that I'm thinking I'm becoming gay? Actually, no. I'm not gay. Tao is just an exception. He's the only person I'll ever turn gay for. Any other guy will just be a major turn off. Tao is like...indescribable. He's a badass yet he's so adorable at the same time. Everytime I see him, I just want to glomp him, but I have to force myself to keep still and put up my bitch face." Kris huffed a breath, slumping down.

"Kris. I'm sure Tao likes you back too." 

Kris looked up at Luhan and noticed that the male looked a little jumpy but dismissed it. "No he doesn't. He probably hates me. He overheard my conversation with Kyrstal. I even made him cry. What kind of douchebag makes the boy you like cry? I'm like...a douchebag."

"Yes. Yes you are."

Kris froze as he recognized that voice. That husky voice that was too familiar with him. Suddenly, he felt arms wrap around his back and was hit with the scent he was familar with. "T-Tao!?" Kris yelled, turning his face to see Tao, wrapping his arms around him. 

"L-Luhan! Why didn't you tell me Tao was behind me!?" Kris shouted, turning back to Luhan. "I was trying. But you kept cutting me off to spill your heart out." Luhan laughed, standing up. Kris pouted as he mentally beat himself up in his head. Wait...Does that mean that Tao heard everything he told Luhan?!

"Yes. I heard everything, Kris." Tao whispered into Kris's ear, as if reading the taller's mind. Kris turned around and pulled Tao into his lap, hugging the panda boy. "I'm sorry, Tao. I really am." Kris whispered, letting his walls down for the first time to someone other than his bestfriends. Tao smiled as he wrapped his arms around Kris's neck, hugging him back. "Apology accepted." 

"Will you be my boyfriend, Tao?" Kris asked, pulling away from Tao, looking into the boy's black orbs. Tao let out a small laugh before leaning his head on Kris's chest. "Yes, I will." 

"Awww! That is so cute!" 

Kris and Tao looked up and blushed as they saw Luhan walking back to them, clapping his hands. "Shut up." Tao mumbled, blushing as he and Kris got up from their position. "Oh yeah, Kris?" Tao sang, as they held hands and walked back towards the villa.


Tao smiled as he threw a nerf-bullet at Kris's forehead. "You're out. I win." 

"Hey! That's not fair! You cheater!" Kris pouted, rubbing his forehead. Tao let out the most adorable laugh as they finally reached the villa, seeing Kyungsoo next to Kai, tending Kai's red forehead, then Luhan walking over to Sehun. Which was a pretty bold action for the doe.

"I didn't cheat. You're just a loser." Tao stuck his tongue out playfully at Kris. Kris purposely squeezed their intertwined hands, making Tao whine from the pain. "You asshole!" Tao shouted as he punched Kris's chest. Kris laughed before loosening his grip on Tao's hand, bringing both their hands up and placing a peck on Tao's hand. "You're just a weakling." Kris winked as Tao pouted. "Do you want me to kick your ass again?" Tao threatened Kris before breaking into a smile once more. "I'm glad you're back, Tao. I kind of missed out stupid fights over nothing." Kris laughed as he turned Tao around, wrapping his arms around Tao, backhugging the boy. "I kind of missed it too, gege." Tao smiled as he looked up and placed a peck on Kris's lips.

Wait... She's A Dude?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon