Chapter 11

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Baekhyun huffed a breath as he climbed up the two steps towards his cabin and swung the door open. Yong Guk turned to stare at him before going back to unpacking. "This sucks, huh? Think we should ask Mr. Park if we can change rooms with Chanyeol and Himchan?" 

Baekhyun froze at the sound of Chanyeol's name and looked down as he made his way into the room. "I-I don't think he'll let us switch. They're pretty strict on that." 

Yong Guk groaned as he flopped ontu his bed, pouting. "This sucks! I want my Channie!"

"Me too." Baekhyun whispered to himself as he unpacked his clothing. Of course, Yong Guk's super sonic hearing heard it and he shot up. "You like Chanyeol!?" Yong Guk asked, his eyes wide.

Baekhyun turned to look at Yong Guk, mentally cursing himself for saying it too loudly. "W-What? No! I...Uh.....I meant.. Me too. Like, I understand that you probably miss Himchan."

Yong Guk smirked as he jumped ontu Baekhyun, putting him into a headlock. "You little runt! You like Chanyeol, don't you!" 

"I-I don't!" 

Yong Guk gave Baekhyun a noogy as he continued to hold Baekhyun down. "Yes you do~ You like Chanyeol~ oh~la~la~"

"I do not! Let go, you ding dong!" Baekhyun yelled from underneath.

"Ding dong? What the actual fuck, Baekhyun?" Yong Guk asked, before falling into a pit of laughter. "Did you seriously call me a ding dong?"

Baekhyun pouted as he stuck his tongue out at Yong Guk. "Why do people keep laughing at ding dong!?" 

"That's probably because it's not insulting at all." Yong Guk said, giving Baekhyun his gummy smile. Baekhyun smiled back when their door suddenly opened again. Baekhyun and Yong Guk turned to look at who decided to barge into their room, both their eyes buldging out.

"Did we interrupt something?" Chanyeol asked, Himchan frowning at his side.

"What? No!" Yong Guk yelled, confused.

"Then why are you on top of Baekhyun?" Himchan snapped, his arms now crossing over his chest.

Yong Guk looked back down and sure enough, saw Baekhyun underneath him. Baekhyun looked at their position as well, forgetting how heavy Yong Guk was when they were laughing at the word 'ding dong.'

"Uh.........................."Yong Guk immediately scrambled off Baekhyun and as Baekhyun sat up straight, avoiding eye-contact with anyone.

"Cht, asshole." Himchan huffed as he turned to leave.

"Wait! Channie-ah!" Yong Guk yelled as he chased after his diva boyfriend, leaving a very awkward atmosphere between the two people left.

"You want to go to Kai's cabin?"

Baekhyun finally looked up and was pretty shocked to see Chanyeol smiling again.

"K-Kai's cabin?" Smooth, Baekhyun. Way to go on stuttering.

"Yeah. Don't worry though. Kyungsoo should be there too." Chanyeol said, holding the door open. Baekhyun nodded and took off his jacket before running towards Chanyeol with a huge grin. Chanyeol smiled back at Baekhyun's adorable eye smile as they walked toards Kai's cabin together in a comfortable silence.

Kyungsoo dusted his hands off and smiled as he looked down upon all his organized necessities. Kai simply rolled his eyes and threw his clothes aimlessly around their cabin--much to Kyungsoo's annoyance. Kyungsoo didn't even know why he was afraid of Kai in the first place. He was just clingy and annoying.

"Hey! This isn't YOUR cabin. It's OUR cabin. I demand you to pick these clothes up, fold them, and place them in the drawers." Kyungsoo nagged, standing in front of Kai.

"You nag too much for my type." Kai huffed as he leaned back on his bed. Kyungsoo's eyebrows twitched, seeing Kai not getting up and decided he'd take matters to his own hands. Kyungsoo climbed on top of Kai's bed--this time, much to Kai's annoyance-- and gave Kai a devious smile.

"What are you doing on my bed?" Kai asked, rather annoyed.

Kyungsoo smiled again before jumping up and down, ruining Kai's relaxation mood.

"Hey! Stop! I wan't to lay down!" Kai yelled, unable to get up, thanks to Kyungsoo's non-stop kangaroo jumping.

"Not..Until you...clean!" Kyungsoo said, feeling his legs giving out. 

"Fine! Just get off!" Kai shouted. Kyungsoo immediately plopped down on the bed, catching his breath from the immense workout session he had. Kai merely laughed at Kyungsoo before getting up. "You really need to work out."

"Silence." Kyungsoo snapped before making his way to his suitcase.

"Why the hell did you bring a bag AND a suitcase?" Kai asked, eyeing Kyungsoo's movements as he tossed his clothes into the drawer--unfolded.

"Because. I brought my portable gas stove, a bag of rice, a container of kimchi, some noodles, and a carton of eggs that were protected by bubble wrap!" Kyungsoo chirped, smiling.

Kai felt his eye twitch as he saw Kyungsoo wasn't kidding and began to unpack everything he had just named. 

"Why the fuck would you bring that? They serve food here, you know?" Kai said as he made his way back to his own bed.

"I don't trust their food. I'd rather have me and my friends eat my organic and healthy food that I personally cook!"

"Isn't it against the rules though?" Kai asked, arching his eyebrow.

"Psht, since when did you start following rules?" Kyungsoo replied.

"Good point." Kai smiled as he got back up and walked to his own suitcase.

"And may I ask why YOU brought a bag and a suitcase as well?" Kyungsoo asked, lying on his bed and staring at Kai now.

"I brought my portable TV and XBOX." Kai replied, as he wasn't kidding as well, and put them next to the outlet.

Kai and Kyungsoo stared at each other before laughing--not believing each other's random obsessions when their door opened, revealing their 6 bestfriends.

"WE'RE HEREEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Chanyeol yelled, before jumping on Kai's bed, having the biggest smile on his face.. "Let's get this party started!"

Wait... She's A Dude?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon