Chapter 10

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Senior Trip Part 1


Kyungsoo, Tao, and Baekhyun plugged their ears from Luhan's yell, hoping they didn't go deaf. 

"I'm sorry, Hannie! I tried telling them that you were a boy, but I kept getting ignored!" Kyungsoo pleaded.

"You..YOU! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU STUPID BACON! GO SIZZLE ON A FRYING PAN!" Luhan yelled as he tackled Baekhyun unto the bed.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I won't ever do it again!" Baekhyun cried out from underneath.

"YOU WERE PLANNING ON DOING IT AGAIN!?" Luhan yelled once more.

"NO VOILENCE!!!!!!!!!!!" Kyungsoo yelled as he pried Luhan's fingers off Baekhyun's shirt.

"HUMF!" Luhan yelled as he turned away from Baekhyun.

"You know..this isn't so bad." Tao chimed in.

"What do you mean? This is horrible!" Luhan yelled, fake-crying.

"You can pretend to be a girl just until the trip is done. Sehun isn't afraid of hitting or kicking out a guy from the cabin. BUT! Since you're supposedly a girl, he won't hit you or kick you out!" Tao concluded.

"I...I see what your implying." Baekhyun said, nodding his head.

"You dufus! What the hell are you talking about? Tao clearly proved his point. He's not implying anything." Kyungsoo said, smacking Baekhyun's head.

"So.....all I have to do is pretend I'm a girl so I'll have a place to sleep for a week?" Luhan asked, thinking about the idea. 

Tao nodded his head and gave him a thumbs up.

"LAAAAND! SOLID LAND!" Chaerin yelled as her feet landed on the floor.

"Oh, sweet land. I missed you so much. I thought I'd never see you again!" Hyuna cried out, kissing the grass.

"Oh, it wasn't that bad." Mrs. Kim said, not believing her own words.

The 4 hour bus trip was like an avid hell to everyone on the bus. Firstly, the AC broke down after the second hour. Secondly, none of the students could use the bathroom after Kyrstal decided to throw up in the toilet. Thirdly, the bus driver nearly fell asleep in the middle of the road if it weren't for Jiyong who had punched him in the head. 

"Everyone! It's 4:23 PM right now. Dinner is at 6:00! Free time until then! Unpack your bags!" Mr. Park yelled before making his way into his own cabin.

Baekhyun spotted his duffel bag but felt his arms grow weak as he saw mostly all the other bags on top of his.

"HMMFFF!" Baekhyun panted, desperately trying to pull his bag out--but failed.

Suddenly, an arm came from behind him and simply tugged it out, making all the other bags on top fall down.

"Here you go!" A deep and low voice said.

Baekhyun turned around and saw Chanyeol standing behind him, smiling down at him.

"T-Thank you." Baekhyun blushed as he saw Chanyeol's bicepts--thanks to the great invention of muscle tee's.

"No problem! Hey..who's your cabin buddy again?" Chanyeol asked, picking up his own bag.

"Y-Yong Guk."

Chanyeol nodded and smiled at the response--causing Baekhyun to grow curious as to why Chanyeol wanted to know.


"Well..I'll see you later!" Chanyeol smiled as he ran after Himchan to their shared cabin.

Baekhyun blushed as he walked to his three friends who were meekly smiling at him.

"Gege's gonna get it onnnnnnnnnn~" Tao sang, only to be slapped in the head by Kyungsoo.

"No one will be getting it on with anyone." Kyungsoo snapped as Tao rubbed the back of his head.

"Anyway. I want you all to report to my cabin after you finish unpacking!" Kyungsoo said, leaving before the other 3 could ask why.

Luhan slightly opened the door and released a breath of relief as he saw the cabin empty. I should finish unpacking before Sehun comes in. Luhan thought as he jogged to his bed, unraveling his sleeping bag on top. He crouched down to his duffel bag and unpacked his shirts as he jumped at the sound of the door being slammed open. Luhan stared wide-eyed at Sehun who was staring right back at him from the door. A silence fell upon them--much to Luhan's annoyance. Thankfully (and finally) Sehun made his way to his bed and laid his sleeping bag on top and also began taking his clothes out, throwing them inside the drawer.

"Aren't you bothered?" Sehun asked, finally cutting the silence.

"F-For what?" Luhan asked as he folded his clothes into his drawer.

"That you're sharing a cabin with a guy?"

"Of course not. Why would I? I'm a bo-" Luhan immediately cut himself off--not wanting to blow his cover.

"YOU'RE A BOY?! I still owe you a punch from your last comment at the cafe." Sehun shouted, cracking his knuckles.

"No! I'm not a boy! I'm a'm a boat!" Luhan shouted, immediately flinching at his own answer. Seriously, Luhan? A BOAT!?

"......You're..a boat?" Sehun asked, cocking his head to the right.

"Uh..yeah! I uh.... go with the flow, you know? Like..a boat on water." Luhan cursed himself in his bed for his ridiculous explanation.

Sehun blankly stared at Luhan before cracking up laughing. "That's the dumbest metaphor I've ever heard!" Sehun cried out, clutching his stomache.

"Oh my god. A boat." Sehun laughed as he made his way to the bathroom to unpack his toiletries. "I'll let you go this once since you made me laugh so hard."

Tao kicked his cabin door open and saw Kris laying on his bed, reading a magazine.

"Unpack for me."

Kris--finally looking up from his magazine--blankly stared at Tao.

"What?" Kris asked, his eyebrow furrowing.

"Are you deaf? Unpack for me." Tao said, throwing his sleeping bag on his bed, laying down on it. "I want my shirts put on the first drawer. Sweats in the second. Jeans in the third. My toothpaste needs to be on the right of the sink. My toothbrush needs to be on the left."

"You think I'm going to follow through with your orders?" Kris asked, his eye now twitching.

"Of course. Would you like me to throw you down on the ground again or will you follow through like a good boyfriend?" Tao asked, smirking when he saw Kris pull his hair and unpack his clothing. 

"Was the toothpaste on the right or left?" Kris called out from the bathroom.

"I swear, you're deaf. It's on the right!" Tao yelled back, smiling in victory.

Wait... She's A Dude?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon