Chapter 27

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The villa was soon filled with endless talking, everyone getting along with each other just like before. Kyungsoo and Kai smiled at each other, happy that all their friends were now back to normal and not a sobbing mess. Luhan happily sat on the living room couch, humming to himself while calmly reading a book he spotted in Kai's guest room. Sehun intensely stared at Luhan and sat across the doe-looking boy.

"Whatcha reading?" Sehun finally asked as he sat beside Luhan. Luhan stopped humming and looked up before smiling. "I'm not sure. I think it's a manga though. I don't really get it. There's this boy and another boy. Then one of the boy says something about teaching him about how to feel good. I'm kind of curious on how to feel good too."

Sehun's jaw dropped to the floor and stared at Luhan. "KIM JONGIN!" Sehun shouted as he grabbed the manga out of Luhan's hand. 

"What? What happened!?" Kai shouted, running into the living room. 

"Keep your nasty porn manga stash somewhere else!" Sehun shouted, throwing the manga at Kai's head. Kai's eyes widened as he immediately bent down and grabbed the manga before running towards Sehun's shared room to get rid of his precious collection. Luhan pouted and slumped into his seat. Sehun took notice of this and sat down next to him, rubbing his temple. "What's wrong?" 

Luhan continued pouting and didn't look up at the worried boy. "I wanted to know how you could feel good! But you came and threw the manga at Kai!" Luhan shouted, punching Sehun's arm. Sehun couldn't help but laugh--firstly for Luhan's lack of strength, secondly because Luhan was just too damn innocent. Luhan's eyebrows knit together as he saw the said boy rolling around on the couch laughing. Sehun finally took a notice of how serious Luhan was and stopped laughing, wiping away his tears. 

"You're too innocent that it's adorable." Sehun breathed out, clutching his stomache. Luhan's eyes widened before he looked away, not wanting Sehun to notice him blushing. 

"Aw! Little Lulu's blushing!" Baekhyun clapped his hands. Chanyeol looked up and brought Baekhyun closer to him so that the shorter boy was now sitting in between his legs on the couch and rested his head on the boy's shoulder. 

"I am not!" Luhan shouted back, throwing a couch cushion at Baekhyun's head, only for it to be intercepted by Chanyeol's long arm. 

"No one hurts my baby." Chanyeol simply said, throwing the cushion back at Luhan--hitting him square in the face. Baekhyun giggled before grabbing Chanyeol's arms and wrapping them around his stomache. Luhan pouted before throwing the cushion at Sehun's face. 

"Hey! What wath that for?" Sehun shouted, his lisp sounding out a little more clear. Luhan pouted before throwing the same cushion at his face once more. 

"You were supposed to block the cushion from my face!" Luhan shouted, throwing the pillow once again. Sehun scoffed. "Why would I do that?" 

"Because you have to protect me! After you almost killed me in the ocean this morning." 

Sehun immediately felt guilty and slung his arm around Luhan's shoulder and pulled the older boy towards him. "Sorry... I'll make up for it." Luhan looked up at Sehun before blushing once again. Luhan closed his eyes and tried to make his heart beating so quickly so that Sehun wouldn't be able to hear it.

"Don't worry." 

Luhan looked up at Sehun, confused.

"My heart's beating fast too." Sehun cheekily smiled at Luhan. Luhan blushed even harder as he smiled back at Sehun. Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kris, and Tao all cringed at how fluffy their friends were and immediately got up from their seats and left the room. Luhan and Sehun chuckled to themselves as their friends closed the door behind them. Sehun blushed as he felt Luhan lay his head on his chest and looked around the room, hoping anything would distract him from the boy laying on him. 

"Hey... Luhan. I'm sorry about acting like a dick for the past few days... I was just... a little in shock that you were a boy." Sehun's voice filled the silent room. Luhan opened his eyes and brightly smiled at Sehun. "It's okay. It's my fault for hiding it from you. I'd be shocked too." 

Sehun nodded but then realized a very important question. "Exactly why did you keep pretending to be a girl?" 

Luhan's face flushed as he turned around and scooted away from Sehun. Sehun tilted his head in confusion when Luhan began to avoid eye-contact. "I... I thought you'd bully me if I was a boy... If I pretended to be a girl, I wouldn't get hit." Luhan whispered, embarrassed by his childish behavior. Sehun laughed at Luhan's explanation before grabbing Luhan back and pulled him next to him again. 

"Well... You're really pretty. And cute. And adorable. And innocent. I won't bully you." Sehun smiled. 

"God damn, just get on with it and kiss! We all know you guys like each other!" Kai shouted, stepping into the living room.


"Oh my God, Kyungsoo. How do you put up with this kid?"

"You're so stupid!"

"We told you to shut up!"

Everyone shouted at once, pulling Kai back and closed the door behind--most likely to beat him up. Sehun and Luhan stared at each other before laughing. "Can you close your eyes really quickly?" Luhan asked, tilting his head towards the right in the process. 

"Why?" Sehun asked, feeling butterflies in his stomache.

"Just do it." Luhan egged on, pushing Sehun's shoulder. Sehun let out a nervous chuckle before closing his eyes, waiting for Luhan's deilciously soft lips to kiss him.

Sehun flinched when he felt Luhan's fingers pluck at his eyelashes. 

"Okay! You can open now. You had a little fluffy thing on your eyelash. I didn't want to poke your eyes out." Luhan shouted, clapping his hands. Tons of groans heard behind the door--Sehun's groan included. Sehun mentally slapped himself for anticipating a kiss from Luhan. Of course Luhan wouldn't be the first to initiate. For God's sake. The kid didn't even know how to masturbate. 

Suddenly, Luhan smiled and leaned in, placing a small peck on Sehun's lip before pulling away.

Thought too soon. 

Sehun's eyes widened at the intimiate gesture and quickly looked away to hide his blushing cheeks. Luhan blushed as well before laying back down on Sehun's chest. Sehun secretly smiled before hugging the older boy. 

"You guys are just too fucking cute. Our little baby Hunnie is finally growing up!" Kai shouted once more, wiping away imaginary tears. The rest of the boys groaned at Kai's ignorance while Sehun rolled his eyes at the idiot friend while Luhan simply laughed, not opening his eyes. 

Wait... She's A Dude?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon