Part 3

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I'd love to say I've had the most exciting time this past week and I've been on an  adventure that will surely entertain you, but i haven't.  Truth is, i sat inside watching a marathon of Doctor Who, come on if the entire box set was sitting right beside you and a perfectly good tv was in front of you what would you do? 

Aside from finding myself in love with Doctor Who, my brother  also signed me up for online schooling, at my request. I never liked the whole going to school and interact with people so i was happy when my brother agreed to let me take lessons online.  

I enjoyed living with my brother, he always got me up before he went out and we both sit on the couch watching tv while eating pancakes, Luke's are amazing. Then i'd do my online schoolwork while he is at work. It's completely normal, a cycle of peace and quiet without church or my nagging parents. Not that i have left the lord, i still pray from time to time but i don't find my brother forcibly telling me to 'kneel in the eyes of the lord' as my parents did. The normality and freedom i have been blessed with is amazing ; the only thing i regret  is not doing this sooner.


On Saturday, a week since i left my parents, i did something outside of my daily routine of school, tv, bonding with my brother and sleep. Because, back when i was with my parents with the yellow pages in my lap, i didn't just look for my brother, i looked for Issac's number too. I don't know why, maybe it was to apologise or to thank him for unknowingly helping me. I don't know why i decided today was the day to call him but i did.

Sitting by the phone on Saturday morning and hearing it ring time after time was nerve-racking.

"Hello? Who is this?" Issac's voice broke the monotone rings.  

"It-, um, it's Matthew. From the, um, gay pride parade?" I sounded so pathetic with my wavering voice. 

There was a moment of silence before his  voice flooded through the phone "Oh! I remember, well hello. What would you like?"

"I um just wanted to call, to um, apologise." It felt kind of awkward talking to him, i mean, i called the guy to apologise so it's not like it was ever going to be comfortable!

"Why do you need to apologise? You didn't do anything..." Issac sounded genuinely confused. Didn't he remember what i was wearing?  It was right in front of his face in bold letters!

"The badge. I'm sorry for wearing it. I um... i was wearing it and i shouldn't have been." I told him. There was silence on the other end of the line. Then, the sound of spluttering came through.

"Kid, it's fine. I don't take stuff like that personally. I've been to a bunch of these parades since i came out two years ago and I've seen my fair share of badges like that. It gets to a point where you just don't care." 

"How?" How could he just ignore the words that got thrown at him? I do remember the types of things people put on their signs at the parade. 

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