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AS CELESTE GOT BACK to the steps of the bank excitement bubbling inside of her

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AS CELESTE GOT BACK to the steps of the bank excitement bubbling inside of her. She saw a wizard! Her smile slowly dropped as she saw Mary Lou and Credence were waiting for her.

Her brother stood there, looking at the ground awkwardly as Mary Lou held a stern look on her face, grabbing Celeste's arm roughly.

"You left the meeting." Mary Lou grits between clenched teeth.

The older women began to tighten her grip on Celeste's arm, causing her to panic slightly. "I-I'm sorry.... I really needed to go to the ladiesroom..." Celeste moved away from Mary Lou slowly, stepping closer to Credence.

Mary Lou huffed and then dropped Celeste's arm. "You're lucky we are going to meet up with that newspaper."

Celeste nodded slowly as Mary Lou began to walk away, causing the girl to sigh. Credence stayed back with his sister, holding his hand out for her in which she accepted. "Thank you, bub." She smiled small at him, slowly starting to walk after the crazy women.

¤ ¤ ¤

"And this is the newsroom." Mr. Shaw or also known as Langdon ushered them out of the elevator.

Celeste unbuttoned her coat a bit, seeing Credence take off his hat and begin to flatten out his hair. "Hey, you look great." She gave him a small smile as she followed Langdon around, until he told them to wait outside of a office.

Mary Lou walked into the office first, causing Chasity, Modesty, Celeste and Credence to follow after. Celeste hummed quietly, looking around the room curiously until her eyes fell upon the Senator. Henry Jr's eyes wandered over her body, a smirk on his lips.

Celeste slowly moved closer to Credence, her arm slowly linking with his, causing Henry Jr's face to twist in disgust. The Shaw family gathered around and muttered to each other.

"And take the freaks with you." Henry Jr. sneered to Langdon, loud enough for the Barebone's to hear. Celeste's hate toward Henry Jr. grew. She glared at the Senator as Credence slowly nudged his sisters arm, indicating for her to stop.

"Hey boy," Henry Jr. called out for Credence as the family began to leave the room, causing the siblings to hang back. "You dropped something." He picked up one of the flyers that Credence dropped, walking over to the two.

"There you go freak. Put that in the trash where you all belong." The Senator insulted Credence, shoving the flyer in his hands. Celeste pushed her brother away from Henry Jr., her hazel eyes boring into his.

"Never, ever talk to my brother like that asshole." Her words spitting out like rapid fire.

"Have a good day Mr. Shaw." Celeste put a fake smile on her lips towards the elder and softly grabbed Credence's hand.

"As for you," She turns to the Senator, "you can go fuck yourself."

Celeste lead her younger brother away from the office and to the elevator with a satisfied grin on her lips.


That was hella short, but that's okay!

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