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"THAT WILL BE SEVEN dollars and fifty cents

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"THAT WILL BE SEVEN dollars and fifty cents." Celeste smiles at the women in front of her as she hands Celeste the money.

"How did you come up with these." The women points at the desserts shaped as animals.

"Ah, Mr. Kowalski and I had a mutal idea for them. It was like we had the same dream in a way." Celeste replies as the women nods and then leaves the bakery as another person orders a cupcake and cookies.

"Celeste, I can take over." Jacob softly touches her shoulder as the female was overwhelmed with the amount of people in the bakery.

"Thanks." She smiled gratefully before stepping aside.

"You looked like you needed it." He replied before taking out some cookies from the glass shelf.

"I had another weird dream last night, Jacob. You were in it along with that British man I told you about, as well as these two other women. And- Jacob?" Celeste looked at him, seeinf he wasnt even paying attention.

"Jacob-" Celeste waved her hand in front of his face. She follows his gaze and finds that he staring at a blonde women who looks like the women in her dream. Her fingers reached the golden chain around her neck and softly rubbed one of the two circles.

"You goober, go over to her." Celeste softly nudged him and grinned.

"W-What do I say?" Jacob asks, trying to pull himself together in front of the beautiful women.

"Goodness- Ma'am!" Celeste waved down the blonde women as she began to walk over.

"Yes?" The women asked innocently.

"Would you like to get anything? It'll be on the house." Celeste smiled kindly, her foot nudging Jacob's so he would say something.

"Oh the house? Oh I couldn't." The blonde shook her head.

"Awe c'mon, are you telling me you wouldn't want one of these guys?" Celeste picks up a cupcake with a stick-like creature on top of the frosting.

"Well... if you insist. I'm Queenie." She smiles at Celeste.

"Nice to meetcha, I'm Celeste and this is Jacob." Celeste gestures to the chubby man who stood there, gawking at Queenie.

Queenie offered Jacob a small wave before giggling quietly. "Now about those sweets...."

¤ ¤ ¤

Three Months Later...

"Queenie! Can you pass me the blue paint?" Celeste asks her blonde friend as she just finished painting a wall green.

"Sure thing, sugar!" Queenie handed Celeste one of the many buckets of paint that was in the house.

In the span of three months Celeste was still decorating her home. She needed help so she invited Queenie, her sister Tina and Jacob. They have been helping her make the house feel like home by painting a wall a different color than the rest.

Each wall was painted a different color. Ranging from red to black, it gave the house an artist feel to it. Plus there was a shelf lined onto a violet colored wall that held different assortments of plants or books.

Having all of these people in her home made Celeste ecstatic. When they would come over, or even sleep over, Celeste would always make a batch of cookies or a dessert of some sort.

But even after all the decorating and shelves of books and plants, it didn't feel like home for her. Something was missing.

"You okay there, Celeste?" Queenie asked as she watch Celeste slowly lower her hand from wall.

"Something... something is missing." Celeste mumbled, dropping the brush onto the wooden floor as her hand flew to her necklace and rubbed the golden chain.

"What do you mean, hun?" Queenie asked carefully, too many thoughts and questions filled Celeste's mind to read it.

"I thought that this house was missing Credence, but after a while it wasn't. This doesn't feel like home to me. When I look around I don't remember how the hell I even got the place, let alone have my thoughts put together in one place." Celeste groans quietly and rubs her forehead.

"What made you think that?"

"This, this letter I got a while back." Celeste takes long strides into her room, shuffling through her desk drawers trying to find it. "Ah, here." She pushed the letter at her friend eagerly.

Queenie gave her a questionable look before reading the letter. Tina joined them later on and began to read the letter with her sister. The Goldstein sisters gave each other a look and then turned away from Celeste to speak. They spoke in hushed tones, causing Celeste to grow slightly frustrated.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" Celeste groaned loudly as the Goldstein sisters turned around.

Tina nodded her head at her sister, allowing her to explain everything.
"It all started when...."


That was such shit I'm so sorry.

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