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NOW CELESTE HAS ALWAYS joked about cramming into a suitcase and shipping herself away, but she never expected it to actually happen

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NOW CELESTE HAS ALWAYS joked about cramming into a suitcase and shipping herself away, but she never expected it to actually happen. She was currently inside of Newt's suitcase and damn it was huge.

From what Queenie told her, Newt was a magizoologist who is a person that cares and researches different magical creatures. And Newt had plenty inside of his suitcase. They all ranged from in size and color.

Celeste was holding the Occamy that was at the Macy's attic and caused a mess. She carefully pet his blue silky feathers as Newt lead her to the nest they had to be put in.

"I knew magic was real." She looks around and finds a large creature resembling a hippo and a rhino walking around.

"Really?" Newt chuckles quietly as he watches at Celeste who was amazed in the sights in front of her.

"Yeah, no matter how many times Mary Lou said it was bad." Celeste smiled small before feeling her stomach drop. Flashes of what happened earlier came into her mind.

"Somethings bothering you." Queenie looked at her friend, frowning softly.

"Yeah, it's kind of been a hellish day for me." Celeste chuckled quietly and put a piece of hair behind her ears and walks around.

She watches Newt talk with a green, stick-like creature. It was propped on the back of his hand and and then he placed it on his shoulder. Slowly Celeste walks over to him and sits on top of one of the crates. "Who's this?" She asks him.

"That, that is Pickett." Newt looks at her shyly and then looks at the ground. Pickett playfully hits his cheek.

"What is he?" Celeste stares at the green creature curiously.

"A Bowtruckle." Newt replies and softly takes Pickett off of his shoulder and onto Celeste's.

Surprisingly Pickett climbs onto Celeste's shoulder with ease and without hesitation. He hugs her cheek, causing her to laugh lightly. "Well he's a sweet thing, aren't cha bud?"

Newt smiles small and then slowly takes ahold of her hand. Celeste tries to take her hand back, but that only causes him to tighten his grip on her wrist. His fingertips graze over the scars, frowning softly.

"I usually get worse." Celeste looks down at her lap as she speaks. "I-I don't like... seeing Credence get hurt so I, I t-take them for him usually."

Newt turned both of Celeste's palms upwards and then waved his hand over them. All the pain and scars vanished as he did that. Celeste watched and looked a Newt before looking back down at her palms. They were scar less and all the wounds were gone. She felt the smooth skin instead of rough and rigid cuts.

Celeste wrapped her arms around Newt's neck and hugged him. She buried her face into his chest. "Thank you." She murmured thankfully.

Newt's arms slowly wrapped around her tiny frame, hugging Celeste back. "It-It was nothing."

"Hey Newt," Queenie drew Newt's attention away from Celeste. "Who is she?" She nodded her heard towards the photo that was sat on a frame. He slowly pulled away from Celeste and looked away.

"Ah... that's no one," He answered dismissively, getting food from the a nearby bin.

"Leta Lestrange?" Queenie questions as Celeste stood there awkwardly. She was curious on who this women was, but didn't want to budge. "I've heard of that family. Aren't they kinda," Queenie makes a face, "you know?"

"Please don't read my mind." Newt glared at her and looks through the bin again.

Celeste watched as Newt began to fiddle with something in his hands, obviously bothered by something.

"Sorry, I asked you not to," He spoke softly. Celeste frowned as she glanced at him and gave Queenie a look.

"I know," Queenie softly spoke. "I'm sorry, I can't help it. People are easiest to read when they're hurting."

"I'm not hurting." Newt lied, Celeste reach forward to comfort him, but he shrugged her off quickly. She looked at the ground awkwardly as he spoke. "Anyway, it was a long time ago."

"That was a real close friendship you had at school." Queenie comments carefully.

"She was a taker. You need a giver." She glanced at Newt and then at Celeste.

Suddenly a loud clad of thunder boomed. Celeste jumped back slightly and backed into a crate. Newt walked over to Frank, his Thunderbird.

"Danger, he senses danger." Newt yelled as everyone slowly began to gather around them.

"Credence..." Celeste mumbled and ran out of the room, trying to leave the suitcase as the gang followed.

"Whoa, what do you think your doing?" Tina asks her as Celeste was halfway up the wooden ladder.

"To save my brother, he's in trouble." Celeste grumbles and tries to open the top of the case. "This damn thing won't open!" She began to push on the hatch and started to hit it repeatedly.

"Honey...." Queenie called, as Celeste jumped down from the ladder.

"What?" Celeste looked at the floor, ready to get yelled at and winced backwards as Queenie took a step forward.

"I'm not going to hurt you, doll. We're nothing like that mean women. We'll get your brother." Queenie gave her a smile and then pulled Celeste into and hug.

Tina and Jacob watched silently, small smiles washed over their faces as they watch the friends interact. Newt stayed back, feeling guilty for pushing Celeste away when she tried to comfort him.

The no-maj didn't know what was happening next until the room around her began to shift into the top of a building.


Welp, that's that. It was so bad I'm so sorry.

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