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CELESTE WAS ABLE TO slip back into the house unnoticed

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CELESTE WAS ABLE TO slip back into the house unnoticed. She was happy about what happened minutes ago, but decided to stay hush hush about it.

Mary Lou was busy doing something of some sort, so she joined Chasity with the flyers. The two have never really been close, but they would agree on certain subjects.

She heard a snap from upstairs, causing Celeste and Chasity to lift their heads to the noise. She could see Credence and Mary Lou on the upper level, immediately sister mode was activated.

Celeste walked up the stairs quietly to find a broken wand on the ground and a belt in Mary Lou's hand. Credence's head was stared at the floor and she saw Modesty watching from the door. Modesty looked as if she wanted to speak up, but looked too scared.

The wand must be hers. Celeste thought to herself and placed a kiss on Credence's cheek. "It was mine." She stepped in front of her baby brother, ready for whatever was going to come at her.

"How dare you." Mary Loud grabbed her by the chin roughly and then shoved her away with a loud and sent a hard slap to Celeste's cheek. "From all that I've done for you."

"You have done nothing for me." Celeste held her throbbing cheek as she glared at Mary Lou.

Suddenly the belt from Mary Lou's hand flew out and fell on the floor. Celeste gasped quietly as Mary Lou tried to reach for it again, but it flew away from her reach.

"What is this?"

Celeste began to inch closer to Credence and Modesty. She was scared. But when she looked at Credence his turned into that black fog like cloud she saw last night. Celeste began to step away, fear and confusion consuming her. Short and quick gasps left her lips as she looked over at Modesty who was paralyzed in her spot.

Mary Lou's screams filled the air as the black fog/cloud attacked her and she was thrown to the ground afterwards.

The building began to fall apart and Celeste pulled Modesty close to her body, trying to shield the young girl from the horror. The ceiling almost collapsed on them, but luckily Celeste picked Modesty up and ran away quickly.

Then there was silence. As Celeste looked around the place she once called home was in shackles. Tables were flipped, pieces of the ceiling was missing.

Even a part of the wall was gone. Modesty looked around in shock and pushed away from Celeste, afraid she was whatever Credence was and ran.

Celeste rubbed her face and began to mumble to herself. How can this happen? Is her brother okay? Where is Credence? She looked around the room, running down the broken stairs as she tried to look for him.

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