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"WHERE THE HELL AM I?" Celeste tripped over her own feet as Queenie tried to keep her balance

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"WHERE THE HELL AM I?" Celeste tripped over her own feet as Queenie tried to keep her balance.

"The top of a building." Jacob answered as Celeste looked at the view of the city.

"Did we just-" Celeste tried to speak, but was speechless.

"You'll get used to it." Jacob patted her shoulder and took a spot next to Queenie.

Everyone's eyes darted towards a black like cloud crash into buildings.

"It's Credence...." Celeste watches as her brother rages out into the black magic, destroying the city.

Everyone's eyes landed on her as she slowly walked closer to the edge. "He's the Obscurial?" Tina asks.

"I don't know what that is..." Celeste trails off. "But whatever is attacking the city, is my baby brother and I would like to help him."

"No." Newt turns to her, placing a journal in her hands.

"As hell I will." Celeste threw the journal at Tina and walked over to him.

"He is my brother. I promised him that I would protect him no matter what the circumstances. You are not getting in the way of that, Mr. British Man."

Newt thought for a moment before nodding and grabbing Celeste's hand. "If anything happens, take care of my creatures." He looked at Tina before he and Celeste disapparted.

She stumbled over her feet and looked around quickly. "I'm never getting used to that." Celeste mumbled and watched a man with black hair trying to talk to Credence.

"Who is that man and why is he talking to Credence?" Celeste asked Newt as they were hiding behind a car, taking peeks at them.

"That's Mr. Graves and I'm not really sure." Newt took his wand out and looked at Celeste.

"You're going to follow your brother as I distract Graves, alright?" Celeste wasn't able to answer because Newt was already up and running to the man he called Graves.

The Obscurial saw the commotion and then fled the scene. Celeste has never ran so much in her life. Credence took refuge inside of the subway, the black like clouds that surrounded him slowly disappeared as it showed his back to the wall, hunched over.

Celeste slowly walked over, trying not to scare her baby brother. "Hey Bub, it's me."


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