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THE NEXT DAY ROLLED around and Celeste was able to have a free day

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THE NEXT DAY ROLLED around and Celeste was able to have a free day. Since Mary Lou didn't need her for anything she was allowed to roam New York. Her hands were covered in white gloves, scared to even look at them.

Today she decided to visit Queenie. The Goldstein always told her to drop by if she ever wanted to, and Celeste thought today was a perfect time. It was just the middle of the day and Credence was off somewhere.

Celeste found Queenie's door, slowly bringing her hand against the door, wondering if it was a good idea or not. What if she was busy? Was she even home?

She sighed and brought her hand down to her side. Nevermind. Tomorrow is another day. Celeste left the building and walked down the streets. She pulled her princess coat closer to her body as another breeze came by.

"Damn breezes." She mumbled to herself and looked at the ground until she bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry honey- Celeste!" Queenie stood up from the ground quickly, a large smile on her lips as she stared down at her friend.

"Hi, Queenie." Celeste chuckled quietly, standing up as she wiped her gloves on her pants.

"Did you go to the apartments? I'm sorry if I wasn't there, hun." Queenie smiles small, she tried to hide the suitcase behind her body.

"Uh, yeah. I wanted to check if you were okay since yo never came to Mia's yesterday." Celeste glanced at her friend, chuckling as Queenie was trying hard to hide the suitcase behind her.

"And this, this is nothing, haha, nothing." Queenie tried to laugh it off, her eyes looking around the place as if she was being watched.

"Are you okay Queenie? You seem off." Celeste stared at Queenie's stressed facial expressions.

"I'm sorry, I'm in a rush, hun. Forgive me." Queenie gently grabbed Celeste's arm to make sure they were in a secure ally way.

"What-" Before Celeste could question anything, a bright blue sight shown over her and the only words she heard were "Stupefy."

¤ ¤ ¤

"Queenie, why in Merlin's beard would you do such a thing?" Tina scolded her sister as they stared down at Celeste's frozen body. Her hazel eyes were open wide and her lips parted slightly as her hands were held up in front of her defensively.

"Especially to a no-maj!" Tina added quickly, feeling sorry for the frozen girl that laid on their guest bed.

"She needed help, I could see it in her eyes, Teens! Plus the poor thing looked tired. She's my friend." Queenie argued, her hand touching over her friends face.

"Once she wakes up and she is well, she will be oblivated." Tina turned on her heels and glanced at Newt who was watching from the doorway.

"We could... we could just let her leave." Newt glanced at Queenie as his green eyes gazed at the girl on the bed. He saw her from that one protest at the bank. She was one of the Salem girls.

"I know, I plan on it." Queenie smiled lightly and lifted her wand, placing it against Celeste's forehead as the girl slowly began to be gain consciousness.

Newt watched in awe, Pickett peeked as well as Celeste began to come to life.

"Celeste!" Queenie squealed and hugged her friend tightly.

"Queens," Celeste breathed out as she hugged her back, looking around the room. "Where am I?"

"My place."

"Oh, hey- its you!" Celeste pointed at Newt.

"M-Me?" Newt pointed to himself.

"I saw you, with your wand and- oh my- Queenie is one as well!" Celeste's excitement grew larger and larger as she spoke.

"Sh," Queenie cover her mouth with her hand. "My sister wants me to oblivate you, but I don't want to."

"Oblivate?" Celeste's head swirled with more questions.

"You would forget that we are wizards and witches, anything about magic in general." Newt tried to explain, glancing at her and then the wall.

"Why don't you want to do that to me?" Celeste looked at her blonde friend.

"Because I trust you." Queenie smiled, softly grasping Celeste's hand as she bit her lip in pain. She didn't tend to her wounds last night. Newt looked at her confused, then bit the inside of his cheek as he remembered Tina's words about how their mother would abuse them.

Queenie gave Celeste a questionable look and slowly began to remove her glove. "Please... no..." Celeste stood up from the bed, shoving her hands in her pocket. Newt and Queenie gave Celeste a sorrowful look.

"I'll see you around, Queens, Mr. British Man." And with that she left the Goldstein residence.


When Newt and Celeste get to meet face to face, but they don't know each others names.

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