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CELESTE WAS CURRENTLY INSIDE her house and sat on the floor

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CELESTE WAS CURRENTLY INSIDE her house and sat on the floor. It was a spacious area, the wooden walls were bare as well as the floor. It was cold on her bare feet.

She didn't remember owning such a large home, but she woke up in her bed. This wouldn't been the best place for Celeste and her brother. Credence would've loved it here. Celeste thought and then sighed quietly, feeling lonely.

Her brother passes away a year ago from what she remembered. Credence was only twenty-two when he got hit by a car as he was walking back home. The driver was a women named Mary Lou and had two other children, Chasity and Modesty. Mary Lou and Chasity died in the crash as well.

Celeste stood up from the floor and slipped on a tweed plaid coat. She didn't care that she was just pants and a sweater. It was only noon anyway. As she left the house, Celeste quickly began to fix her brown hair by making a dutch braid going down the middle section of her head, to only stop at her crown.

Her hazel eyes gazed around the people as her hands were stuffed inside her pockets. Celeste had no clue on where she was going, but it just felt wrong being at the house. The voice in the back of her head told her to go do something instead of wasting her time doing nothing.

Celeste was about to turn a corner when she bumped into someone and fell back.

"I'm terribly sorry." A British accent perked as Celeste looked up to find a man with green eyes and shy look on his face. He was quite attractive to her.

"Don't worry about it." Celeste smiled kindly and stood up, taking a good look at the man in front of her. He seemed so familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

She noticed him staring at her, causing her cheeks to burn up slightly. "I'm sorry- but have we met?"

"Sort of. I've seen you around." He smiled awkwardly, holding his suitcase behind him as he spoke.

"Well I'm Celeste in that case," Her lips turned upwards as her hazel eyes gazed over his face.

"Newt." He replied and looked down at his watch. "I'm so, so sorry. But I'm going to miss my ride."

"Hey, don't worry about it." Celeste chuckled quietly.

Newt pulled an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to her. "I want you to have this."

"Oh, I couldn't." She tried to push his hand back until he softly placed it in the palm of her hand.

"I insist." Newt smiled as his green eyes watched the glint of curiosity in her hazel eyes.

"Thank you." Celeste smiled softly and slipped the note into her pocket, wondering why he would give her such a thing.

"Anytime." His eyes darted towards the ground and then back on her, before reaching forward and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear awkwardly.

"I'll see you around." Newt smiled slightly, letting his fingers graze over her cheek and then turned around, walking into the busy New York crowd.

Celeste didn't realize she was holding her breathe until she exhaled loudly. Her cheeks burned as she tried to find the British man named Newt in the crowd, wondering why he had that affect on her. A smile creeped it's way onto her lips as she continued to walk down the street, a giddy feeling left in her stomach.

¤ ¤ ¤

Celeste got back home around 10 o'clock with a bunch of things. Ranging from paints to plants, she wanted to decorate the house and make it come alive.

Sadly 'Mama Mia' was being bought by a man named Jacob Kowalski. He was a baker as well from what Celeste knows and he assured everyone would still get jobs, but he wanted to fix up the bakery before anything. So for the next two days everyone was free.

Celeste was looking for the change that she got for her food. She searched her bag and then the pocket of her coat, finding the white envelope that Newt gave her earlier in the day.

She looked at the envelope and saw how her name was spelled out on the front in cursive. Celeste traced over the cursive with her fingertip and then slowly opened the envelope, careful not to break it.

Celeste walked over to the table and sat down on the top of it. She took the letter out and a soft 'clink' fell onto the table. It was two gold chains attached to each other. They held small round circles, the size of the tip of her pinky and one of the circles had a small 'c' while the other held a 'n'.

She held the necklace in her palm and opened the letter, beginning to read the neat handwriting:

Dear Celeste,

You must be terribly confused on why a stranger would give you a letter and a necklace. Well, we knew each other once. A long time ago when you were in urgent need. We helped you, myself and three other people you won't remember.

But if there is a chance that something is telling you that you are forgetting something, listen to that. My words might be futile, but I hope they are not. In the little time you knew me, before you forgot, you meant a lot to me. I didn't know why, but you did and I loved every moment of it.

To see how kind you were to everyone and how protective you were over Credence, it was amazing. The way your eyes would sparkle with determination to do something fit well with your stubborness. Now, I want you to know that I am currently not a creep who is stalking you. Just a long lost friend who will see you again.


Newt Scamander

Celeste felt her head ache as she read the name, Newt Scamander. It was as if her memories were trying to hide themselves from her. She looked down at the letter, rereading each word trying to remember this man and understand what he meant.

Celeste looked down at her palm and softly touched the gold chains. She put the necklace on with ease and smiled small, touching her lips as she let out a small chuckle. She felt something on her lips. They were soft and warm. She frown slightly and then looked back down at the letter.

Celeste let out a small yawn and decided she should head to bed. Her legs trudged herself up the stairs, a weird feeling falling onto her gut. As if she was missing something. Her hand flew to the necklace she was wearing and looked around. She continued up the stairs, trying to shake off the feeling.


Welp ;-;

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