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SADLY, CELESTE HAD TO go to work right after the meeting with the Shaw's

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SADLY, CELESTE HAD TO go to work right after the meeting with the Shaw's. She was glad though, had some time to get away from Mary Lou and her crazy ways. Celeste was walking down the busy streets of New York, passing by different people.

She didn't really know anyone at the bakery she worked at. It was called 'Mama Mia' and it was a fun place to work at. The owner, Mia, would always let Celeste leave or stay late if she needed to. And tonight, Celeste was going to make another batch of cookies and cupcakes for the next day.

Celeste didn't know why the hell she even wanted to bake in the first place. It probably started when it was Credence's fifth birthday and she wanted to make it extra special for him by making him a cupcake. Or that she was able to get out of the house, but either way she was getting paid.

She always had a frequent customer though. Her name was Queenie Goldstein and she is the sweetest person on earth. Celeste considered her as a friend, but she didn't want to assume anything. But Queenie would always drop by everyday to either buy something or just talk to Celeste.

It was comforting though, to have someone to talk to besides Credence. Now that didn't mean that she didn't like talking to her baby brother, but she just needed a gal pal, yanno? Queenie always knew what to say when Celeste needed some wise words. Celeste thinks that Queenie is physic at times.

As for her baking skills, everyone loved it. From Celeste's cakes to her cookies. But mainly the young baker was known for her chocolate chip cookies. It was a big hit at 'Mama Mia'. Baking somehow made Celeste happy, to be away from all the troubles she struggled with at home.

And sadly the blonde Goldstein never showed up today.

It was nighttime at the bakery and Celeste was the only one inside. Everyone went home as she insisted to lock up and get everything set up for tomorrow. It was very quiet as Celeste made the cookie batter.

She filled the silence with her soft humming. Her hair was in a messy dutch braid, her baby hairs framing Celeste's face. Flour covered her hands as she rolled the batter out on the floured tabletop. It stung a little because the flour got inside of the scars on her hands, but she pretended it didn't even hurt her.

Celeste's humming stopped until she heard glass breaking. At first she thought it was the front window of the bakery until she slowly walked out to the window and saw someone she never thought she'd see.

The British and the chubby men from earlier today.

She watched as the British man ran into the windowless front of a jewelry store across the street. Celeste's excitement grew as she watch him use his wand against a creature inside.

Her hazel eyes stared at his blue coat until she wandered her eyes to the chubby man. She wondered if he was a wizard as well, since he was with the British man. Celeste chuckled and stared in awe as the British man go ahold of the creature. Police sirens blared as the police cars stopped in front of the jewelry store.

Her eyes followed the British man as she grabbed his suitcase and the chubby man's arm, disappearing in thin air. Celeste's hand covered her mouth as she gasped. "Holy crap...." She mumbled to herself.

The timer on the stove broke her gaze on the confused policemen. Celeste quickly got her apron off and hanged it. She closed the lights and locked the door. If she was even a minute late, Mary Lou would punish her.

Celeste walked down the street, looking around at the quiet night. She's walked home alone at around this time before, but it never settled with her. To never know what could possibly happen next, that sort of scared Celeste in a way. Like if something happened to her, she wouldn't be there for Credence.

As she was humming away at her thoughts she saw a something black in the sky. It was cloud-like, but it looked completely different. It swirled around in the sky, bumping into buildings until it stopped into another. Celeste's heart raced in fear.

She decided to run the rest of the way home. As she got inside, Mary Lou stood there, whip in hand. Celeste's heart dropped.

"You were late."

¤ ¤ ¤

Celeste's palms burned as she tended to Credence's hands. Sadly, they were both a victim to Mary Lou's harsh ways. The siblings arrived home late, just by a minute which caused their new scars on their palms. Credence whimpered and whined every so often when Celeste would clean the wounds.

"Hey, hey." She softly cupped his face. "Don't worry, there," She whispered as she wrapped his hands in cloth. "all better." Celeste smiled weakly, kissing both of her brothers palms as she would always do when something like this would happen.

"Thank you...." Credence replied hoarsely, as he shyly looked at his older sister.

"We'll be out of here soon, I promise." Celeste softly rubbed his cheek, trying to calm him down.

"I even come baring gifts." She patted his knee as she stood up, getting her coat from earlier.

"Mary Lou... she will-" Credence stumbles over his words. He was afraid she would hurt his sister again, but bit down on his cheek.

"Don't mind her, now here," Celeste handed her brother three cookies that she made earlier that day. They were wrapped in a napkin that she stuffed in her coat pocket. "It's your favorite." She inched the chocolate delights towards him teasingly.

He looked at her questioning if he should take them or not. "Oh c'mon, you love them." She sing-songed.

"Fine." Credence took the cookies slowly and began to eat one of them happily. He tried to hand one of them to Celeste, but she shook her head.

"You deserve them, bub." She smiled small, kissing his cheek.

"But, Cel-" Credence tried to reason with his older sister, which she gave him a playful look.

"If I take one, will you be happy?" Celeste asks, her voice slightly tired.

He nodded, handing one of the cookies towards her.

"Oh alright." She gave her brother a teasing smile, taking a spot next to him on the bed. She bit into the cookie, her stomach thanking her with a small rumble.

"I love you, bub." Celeste rested her head on Credence's shoulder.

"I love you too, Cel." Credence mumbled shyly, timidly resting his head against hers.


I'm kinda glad that I made a character who gets to witness some of Newt's antics instead of being in them, because they give a different perspective yanno?

And I love Credence so much, he deserves the world.

Anyway- who else hates Mary Lou more than they did before?

But don't worry, my baby Newt and Celeste will meet soon.

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