Chapter Twenty

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The plane sped up as it rolled down the runway and then began to lift. My ears popped and I squeezed Michael's hand.

We'd been at home in Belfast for a few weeks and had enjoyed visiting all the places we used to go and meeting with old friends and seeing all our families, but it was finally time to fly back to the MADhouse. We missed the boys a lot and couldn't wait to see them again. Maybe we could go visit Aiden in Leeds during the February tour? I hoped so.

"You and I...we're two of a mind...this love's one of a kind..."  This song was definitely a favourite. I put my ipod on shuffle and put my headphones in.

Two songs later, I had zoned out completely when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned towards Michael, taking an earphone out and pressing the 'volume down' button on my ipod. 


"Oh, sorry. I just wanted you to see the view out this window. It's awesome." 

I leant over Michael and strained to look out of the window. 

"Here." he said, putting his hands around my waist and pulling me onto his lap. "Can you see?"

"Wow. It's gorgeous."

"Don't you think it kind of looks like candyfloss?"

"Or cotton wool."

"Or you remember that?"

"Of course I do baby."

"Do you still have the pictures."

"Of course." I took my other headphone out and reached over to my seat. I picked up my phone and unlocked it. Opening my camera roll, I started scrolling up to that day. There they were, our silly selfies and snow pictures. I handed my phone to Michael and he started scrolling through, smiling.

"I like this one." He said, showing me a selfie of us lying in the snow, puffing out our pink cheeks with snow in our hair and on our hats and sccarves. 

"This one's my favourite." I said, taking my phone back and scrolling to a picture taken of us by Dan the day after. We were both lying in the snow, making snow angels and laughing.

"I'll use them both then." he told me, taking the phone back and tapping the screen.

"For what?"




"What are you going to do with them?"


"Michael tell me. Please?"

"A surprise."

"Please tell me." I pleaded.

"Wait and see." He smirked, kissing me on the nose.

"Fine then." I said and moved to sit back on my own seat. I put my headphones back in and pressed play, pretending to sulk.

"Claire...Claire?? Claire Bear?? Hey. Hey!" I ignored him, crossing my arms. He leaned towards me in a kiss but i scrunched my nose and so he changed his mind and kissed my nose instead. I couldn't help but giggle. 

 I took my headphones back out and we chatted about everything and nothing the rest of the flight.

We landed and got our luggage, this time the suitcase and a guitar case since Michael got a new acousitc guitar for Christmas. 

The light London rain hit us as we came out of the airport, looking for George, Ben and/or Dan. A man stepped out of a taxi.

"Michael and Claire?"

"Um, yes?"

"Here, I'll take those, get in." He took the cases and opened the boot. 

We climbed into the back slightly wet and dripping a little. We weren't ready to stand out in the rain questioning the taxi driver.

He drove us back to the MADhouse safe and sound and turns out George had already payed the fare. We thanked the driver and Michael took our cases from the trunk which I closed after him. The taxi drove off as we made our way through the now pouring rain to the front door. 

Once we were back in the MADhouse, Michael dumped our cases in the bedroom and I dropped our backpacks beside them.

We were wet and so we changed into our warm, dry onesies and went looking for the others. 

Th place was deserted. Michael decided to call Dan.

"Hey mate whats up?" He answered.

"Hey there Danny boy. I missed ya. We just got back, where are you?"

"Missed ya too dude. We just went out to get food, we'll be back in a bit.. We've been in the studio all morning. These new tunes are awesome.."

"Cool. Pick us up something? I'm starving."

"Me too!" I piped in. It wasn't hard to hear the conversation as I sat snuggled up to Michael on the sofa.

Dan: "What do you want?"

Michael: "Where are you?"

Dan: "You have 1 guess."

Michael: "Really?"

Dan: "Yep."

Michael, turing to me: "Claire, what would you like from KFC?" 

Me: "Whatever. I'm just hungry."

Michael, into the phone: "Get us a boneless banquet?" 

Dan: "Right-o. See you in a bit."

Michael: "Don't be too long."

Me: "Yeah my stomach sounds like a dying whale here!"

Dan hung up.

We waited there in comfortable silence, interrupted every so oftenn by the rumbling of a stomach. We were just trying to warm up a bit.

About ten minutes later we heard keys in the door and Dan's voice.

"YOLO YOLO YOLO SWAG" he sang as he walked in. "FOOD!"

The smell of KFC reached us almost instantly. We got up from the sofa and went to greet them.

"Danny boy!" 












Once all the hugging and greeting was over, we sat at the table and began handing out food. 

We all tucked in and there was silence for a moment before we al began excitedly chatting about our time back home and about what we got for Christmas. Michael promised to show them his new guitar after dinner.

We ate and cleared and washed our greasy fingers then Michael fetched his guitar and we all spent a moment admiring it before I told him to play something. 

He played Treasure for us one of his favourites, then Dan had a go at playing and singing. He began with the Yolo Swag song..

"Shut up! Make it stop!" George cried. Dan changed song. He played Perfect To Me. 

Ben played Not With Haste. 

I had a go at the guitar too but I can't sing for toffee so I played Fame And TV while the boys sang. 

The boys were in the studio tomorrow and George said I could come and watch and maybe play some guitar for the album.

It was good to be back.

Claire Bear (M.A.D)Where stories live. Discover now