Chapter Eight

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We walked hand-in-hand down countless deserted streets before turning into the train station. The lights at the stop illuminated the deserted railway and we sat down on the bench in the shelter. Michael pulled out his phone and checked the time as I snuggled closer to him for warmth.

5 minutes later a train pulled noisily into the station and we stepped into the sudden warmth. We sat in two empty seats near the doors and I looked around. There were very few people on the train and every one sat in silence with their earbuds in or had taken to reading or staring quietly out of a window.

"Where are we going, baby? Please just tell me?" I whispered to Michael, looking earnestly up into his smiling face.

"You'll see in a minute." he whispered back, turning his head to look down at me. He looked into my eyes and I got lost in his and a few minutes later our lips were pressing against each other again.

The train stopped and Michael pulled away and got to his feet, pulling me up with him.

"Come on, this is our stop." he said excitedly and we exited onto the unusually crowded platform.

Michael grabbed my hand as we approached the crowd and held it tight as we began to weave through the hustle and bustle of bodies wrapped in various coloured coats and scarves.

We emerged from the crowd slightly breathless and made our way down a slightly less crowded street past a long line of people.

After passing more people than I could possibly count and getting many more looks of disgust than was acceptable I saw what the fuss was about.

Up ahead I saw coloured lights flashing and a large Ferris Wheel began to turn as music started to play. As we came closer to the entrance I saw there were hundreds of little colourful stalls and games and rides set in an array of coloured lights and bustling with people running to and fro with all manner of things clutched in their arms.

We got close enough that I could see the gate was locked and burly security guards stood on either side of the entrance looking very cold in both senses. 

About 50 people from the front of the line stood George, Aiden and Dan all wrapped up in warm coats, scarves, hats and gloves.  We joined them and the excited chatter began as Michael told Aiden and Dan about Megan at the cinema and how cool it was that we got recognised and, of course, we had to tell them about the film.

Some 10 minutes later the music had grown louder and so had the crowd. Everyone was a great deal more excited and the weather was a great deal colder. Michael must have noticed my shivering because I suddenly felt myself enveloped in his warmth.

"Hey, George, did you bring my spare hat?" echoed in his chest as I stood with my ear near his heart and my arms tucked gratefully in front of my own chest. An arm unwrapped itself from around me and I lost a little warmth. Then his other arm moved and I winced a little. I looked up at Michael's face as he pulled off his own pink striped beanie and put his snapback on his head. He then took the beanie and pulled it down over my hair and ears. I felt a little warmer and grateful but I was still chilly. I need not have worried, though, because as Michael's arms wrapped themselves back around me I felt a large jacket pulled around me too. Michael pushed me away from him a little and zipped it up around my arms that were still tucked up against my chest in an attempt to keep in as much warmth as possible. He looked at me and smiled before kissing me gently and pulling me back into his chest. He rested his chin against my head and held me for a good 5 minutes as he talked to the other boys and I warmed up.

I sensed people starting to move and looked up at Michael before looking around me a little, taking in my surroundings. There was Dan, trying to warm up a little on the spot; Aiden trying to get some feeling back into his feet by stomping them a little; George searching in his pockets for something; and a bunch of strangers doing various things to keep warm or searching their bags and pockets. By the time I got back around to Michael he was watching me. He smiled and we separated slowly. I put my arms through the sleeves in the jacket, grateful for it being so  large that it came down past my wrists and covered my hands, keeping them warm.

Michael took my hand over the sleeve then looked down in wonder at what he was holding. He smirked and let go before picking up the sleeve by the hem with the other hand and peering into it, a look of fake wonder on his face. I laughed a little as he looked around down my sleeve before placing his hand down it and pulling out my hand as if he'd just discovered something amazing. He took my now visible hand in his and lowered it. He smiled at me and I smiled back and we made our way towards the gate amongst the steady-moving crowd.

Claire Bear (M.A.D)Where stories live. Discover now