Chapter One

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Before I begin I would just like to remind you to read the name at the begining of a chapter so you know who's point of view the particular part is from :)



Michael: Hey princess how are you today?xx

Michael: I'm feeling brilliant babe! Strange not waking up next to you again :( can't wait to see you later!xx

Michael: neither can I! Warning you that this house is MAD though!xx

Michael: With you there I'm sure it is!xx

Michael: haha! See you later beautiful! Love you :) xx

Michael: Can't wait! Love you too sunshine xxx

A smile refuses to leave my lips as I get out of bed and go downstairs for breakfast.
I make some pancakes and some bacon and pour a glass of juice. It still feels strange not needing to make more than one portion considering it had been weeks since I last saw Michael. Usually he would have stayed here the night or I would have stayed at his parents' and even if we hadn't slept together he was usually here for second breakfast in the morning. If he was here right now he would have been starving, as always.
I finish eating, wash up and am in the shower before I hear my parents get up and put the kettle on downstairs.
I wash, dry and dress into a comfortable pair of leggings and a baggy jumper. I pull on and tie up my converse and put my wash stuff in my bag before zipping it up. I give my hair a quick brush but let it hang loose before shoving the brush into the front pocket of my bag.
"Morning, mum. Morning, dad." I say as I pass the kitchen and put my bag in the porch.
"Morning, sweetie." Says mum before taking another sip from the mug in her hand.
"Are you ready to go, chick?" Dad's voice is groggy due to the fact it's 8 o'clock on a saturday morning and he's just woken up.
"Yep! All packed!" I say excitedly.
Dad comes out to the hallway and picks up my bag.
"Let's get you to the MADHouse then." He sighs.
I hug and kiss my mum and we exchange "I love you"s and "be careful" "I will" etc.
"Bye honey! Have a nice time! See you soon!" She calls as I follow Dad to the car. He puts my bag in the back and i get in the front seat. I let out a sigh.
I've been waiting weeks for this. I finally get to see Michael!
"Right. Let's go." Dad starts up the engine and we roar towards the train station.

Claire Bear (M.A.D)Where stories live. Discover now