Hello people from all around the world (LOL) I've read the few comments you guys left so in this chapter prepared to be shocked and amazed.Expect the unexpected.If you would like to be a part of my story, just ask cuz I need more characters! Have a great read.
I looked over to my right and saw the most handsomest guy next to me smiling.
"Good morning beautiful" he said.I love how he doesn't care that I have morning breath." how'd you sleep?"
"Great since I've slept next to you"
He rolled me over so I would be on top of him.I looked down on him and smile.He leaned in and kissed me.His hand was wondering all over my body.
" I've missed you" he said, "I've missed your touch, your voice, your body.Ive missed you"
I kissed him and laid on my back.He got on top of me and we started making out.He took off my shirt and I was left in my bra and shorts.I took off his shirt and pulled him into a steamy, passionate kiss.
"Please" I said out of breath, "I need you"
"Then prepare me to rock your world" He said with a smirk.
I woke up, out of breath.I looked to my right and saw Selena, I looked to my left and saw Ariana."Did I just have a" I whispered to myself.
I got out of bed and went into the bathroom.I looked at myself in the mirror and turned on sink.I washed my face and went back into my room.
"You alright?"Miley asked, looking at me through my bedroom mirror.
"Yeah I'm fine" I smiled, "just had a crazy dream"
"I know" she giggled.She turned around and looked at me, "I heard you breathing heavily.I thought you were dying"
I looked away from her a little embarrassed.I felt my checks turn hot.
"It's okay" she chuckled, "we've all had those kind of dreams"
"Maybe you have" I said, sorta shouting, "this is my first one."
She looked at me with that " I know you're lying" face.But it's true, it was my first naughty dream.
She walked over to me, carefully not waking Ariana who sleeps on the floor.Her parents came back this morning but I guess she's gonna leave later on today.
"What was dream about?" she jump on the bed and sat next to me.
"Euh, well" I said, " I woke up before anything went further"
"Why don't you just do it?" Ariana said rubbing her eyes." When did she wake up?" I asked myself looking at her confused
"No" I said, " I don't want it to seem like were friends or whatever we are because I want to have sex with him"
"What are you people talking about?" Selena said, rolling over looking at us with curious eyes.
"Nothing" I said, " How are you doing Miley?"
She rubbed her arm and looked away, " I'm good"
"Wait" Selena said, "what happened when you went to see Vanessa? you never told me"
I looked at Ariana meaning we should leave them alone.She got up and walked out of the room.
"We'll be downstairs if you need us" I smiled at both of them and walked out.
Just as I was about to close the door, Selena looked at me with a nervous face.I know she's scared but her and Miley already talked about Vanessa through out their relationship but this time, I know Selena would do anything to keep Vanessa away from Miley even if that means sending her into a hospital.Selena could and would do that.
I was sitting at the kitchen table with Ariana and something crossed my mind.Why did my mom choose to get pregnant now knowing dad has a child for another woman? is she trying to hide her pain by having another kid? As much as I love my mom, something seems sketchy and a little part of me knows this whole pregnancy will be a big disaster.
"Would this colour look good on me?" Ariana asks me.Im looking at outside lost in my thoughts.
She waves her hands in front of my face to get my attention.I snapped out of my daydream and looked at her.
"What?" I asked her."Sorry"
"Is everything okay?" She asks me concerned.
"Yeah no everything is great" I let out a smile to reassure her that there's no need to worry.
"Great" She said, "Like, I was saying, would this color look good on me"
I glanced down at the magazine she was holding and starred at this ocean blue dress.The color reminded me of Niall's eyes and I started blushing.
"Yeah it would" I smiled.I snapped out of it and looked at her confused, "wait, why?"
"You remember Liam right?" she said.
Liam was one of the guys we met 2 years ago at the bowling alley.Ive seen him a couple of times but recently, not really.
"Yeah?" I said looking at her.She started smiling and by her smile and gesture, this could only mean one thing.
"He texted me last night asking if I wanted to hang out" she said, flipping through the magazine, "since you and Niall started talking again, I figured I didn't have to drive him around anymore"
If there's one thing I know about Ariana is that she can't stay attached to one guy.She would have to flirt with different dudes to see which one suits her list of "the perfect guy".Her and Niall may have dated after we broke up, but I knew she was flirting around and messing with Niall.
"That's great" I smiled at her.
"Urgh" Miley walked in the kitchen and went towards the fridge.
I heard the front door slam and couldn't help but wonder what's going on.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"I love Selena and all but she's too overprotected" She said grabbing a beer out the fridge.
"That's my dad's but sure have one" I said chuckling.
She took a sip and starred at me."This isn't funny, Demi" she said, " I should have never told her about Vanessa."
"You had no choice" I said, " Even of you didn't, she would of still managed to find out what was going on between you and Vanessa"
She shrugged and take another sip of her beer.She leaned against her chair and looked through the magazine with Ariana.
While they were talking about shoes and dresses, I decided to call Niall.I need some fresh air and I really wanted to see him.twenty four hours was killing me.

Love me or Hate me a Demi and niall Fanfic Part 2
FanfictionTwo years has passed and Demi has been going through nothing but a rough time.From being kicked out of the school,To seeing a counselor,Dallas moved back to Chicago because she didn't want to apart of Demi's change and the worst of all, not being ab...