Here is chapter 19 :) thanks for the comments and votes!! Read t'ill the end to find out details for part 3 ( the sequel)!! I cant wait for you guys to see what the third part of this fanfic has in store and I will be sure to make make that one even longer!
Dinah's POV
Dear diary,
I don't think I've ever felt this way about someone before. Everything about this person is incredible. Their smile, personality, lips, generosity is so ravishing. I always find myself smiling whenever we would hang out. This person brightens my day when I would be feeling down. I think I might be falling in love with someone I never thought I would.
I don't know if this kind of love is acceptable but a lot of people I know don't care about what people think. If you really love someone, it doesn't matter where that person comes from, what race they are, what really matters is what kind of person they are. What matters is the love they have for their family. What really matters is if they're nice. I know my parents won't be too happy about this kind of love but at the end of the day, they would want me to be happy. They would want me to be happy with the person that I really love and the person that makes me happy.
Im in a relationship but if I'm already picturing myself with someone then something isn't right. I love siope so much but the problem in our relationship is the distance. We've been trying to make it work for longest time now but nothing seems to be working. We always have petty arguments over the most dumbest and stupidest things. He once got mad because a guy fan grabbed my ass in a M&G picture.
I know he loves me and he knows that I love him but this relationship isn't going anywhere. I've been trying to make things work but the other big problem is the trust. Being on tour with Austin, Shawn Mendes and The vamps, isn't what he wants. I just wish that he would understand that this wasn't my choice. I also wish that he wouldn't say he trusts me when he knows deep down he doesn't.
I don't know what to do. I'm so torn between being a relationship with siope and being in a relationship with someone that is way out of my league and in a relationship as well. I know that person loves who they're seeing and they've had a rocky relationship in the past but I can't help but feel these things for that person. I want to be that girl that makes her smile. I want to be the reason she wakes up in the morning. I want to be the reason that she's happy. I want to be her everything.
I want to be Demi's everything. I truly believe that I'm in love with her"
Miley and I were the only ones awake. We left Demi upstairs in her room and went into the basement. I loved hanging out Miley and Demi but right now, I really could use someone.
I showed Miley what I was writing and from the corner of my eye, she had a smile on her face. I know she wouldn't have judged me but these feelings are so new to me and I needed to talk to someone about them and right now, Miley's the best candidate.
" I always had a feeling you might have had a crush on her" she said as she looked up at me smiling, " The way that you look at her it's like if she's the only one that matters. The way that you get lost when your playing with her fingers." She said pointing out everything obvious about my feelings for Demi. " And last night, when you said the good ones are taken, that sorta gave it away. The way that you looked hurt because she was taken actually made me want to leave you two alone"
" it's that obvious, huh?" I said simply. She nodded her head and I groaned, " I've never felt this way about anyone before" I said honestly, " The feelings that have for Demi doesn't compare to the feelings I have for siope. Demi could just simply smile at me and I instantly blush and get butterflies but I don't get that kind of reaction when it comes to siope"

Love me or Hate me a Demi and niall Fanfic Part 2
FanfictionTwo years has passed and Demi has been going through nothing but a rough time.From being kicked out of the school,To seeing a counselor,Dallas moved back to Chicago because she didn't want to apart of Demi's change and the worst of all, not being ab...