Chapter Twenty-Two

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Clothes, checked. Shoes, checked. Toiletries, checked. Guitar, checked. Books, checked. Passport and personal papers, checked. He put the last ones in the front pocket of his bag and after a quick look around the room Chris concluded he had finished packing, 8 minutes, a record for him! He had never really truly unpacked to begin with and he had not been the neatest of packers to be honest, but he would not waste a second so he stuffed his clothes and everything else inside his suitcase at lightspeed so he could go pick up Jonny as soon as possible. Card key, mobile and wallet in his pockets, he took a look at himself in the mirror. God, he was tired, but also incredibly happy. He washed his face, brushed his teeth and sniffed at himself, just in case he stunk. To his surprise, a familiar scent was mixed with his own. Jonny’s cologne must have clung to his skin while they were kissing, he reckoned with a smile, suddenly filled with excitement. Not wanting to wait another moment, he made sure everything was ready for check out for a last time before he exited the room to go get Jonny for some lunch. He’d done this more times that he could count, but this time, this time was different. Jonny and him had admitted they liked each other and they had kissed! It was still a bit hard to believe but the memory of those lips upon his was still too fresh, it couldn’t have been a dream.

Jonny was on the phone when he opened the door, a smile broke on his rounded face upon seeing him. Chris followed him inside and sat on his bed while the guitarist put the last items in his suitcase, still talking with who Chris realised were his parents. He leaned down on the unmade bed and watched Jonny as he walked around the room, grabbing his phone charger, two books, a cap and some other items and putting them in his messenger bag. His eyes followed the green-eyed man from one corner of the room to the other with a dazzled expression, only stopping to make funny faces at him when Jonny caught him staring. God, he was so adorable, and handsome and so fucking sexy and he liked him back, he really liked him back. Chris was still in awe at that.

“Parents!” Jonny exclaimed putting his phone back in his jeans pocket. “Sorry!”

“It’s alright Jay!” he told him, not moving from his comfortable position on his friend’s bed.

“That was fast! How did you pack all that stuff so quickly?!” Jon asked sitting down next to him.

“Well,” he started, eyes looking up in mischief.

“You just threw everything in the suitcase as it came, didn’t you?” Jonny said, obviously knowing he was right.    

“Nope,” he answered trying to maintain a straight face, but Jonny was looking at him in such a way and he had put so little effort in his packing and he knew Jonny knew it, he’d been busted and so he could not keep it for long and burst out laughing. “OK, maybe I did, so what?”

“Oh, Chris, Chris,” Jonny mock chastised, shaking his head. “Always the messy one, has your mother not taught you how to pack?” he asked jabbing him in the stomach.

“Yeah, but I was in a hurry,” he answered giggling wishing Jonny’s hand had stayed on his belly, as it had been a while ago.

“Shall we go then? It’s almost half past twelve,” his friend said.

“Yeah,” he said, but showed no intention of moving. He was far too concentrated on Jonny’s smiling face. He would have stayed there, admiring the other man, spending the next half an hour kissing him, but his stomach betrayed him and made a rumbling noise, demanding food. Only then did he realise he had not eaten anything since yesterday’s dinner.

The guitarist chuckled, brightening the moment even more, further convincing Chris that this was undeniably perfect and right.

“Come on, you pillock,” Jonny said with an uplifting laugh and offered his hand to him. Chris took it, for a fleeting second he debated whether to let Jonny help him up or bring the handsome boy down on top of him. However, his naughtiness did not last long for he was hungry, Jonny probably was too and they would have time later, so he allowed Jon to pull him up and he received a lovely kiss from him as a reward.

“Thank you,” he said, his lips brushing the guitarist’s.

“You’re welcome,” Jonny told him planting another kiss on Chris’ mouth before leading him out with a hand firmly set on the small of his back.

“Will and Guy will have a field day when they see us entering the restaurant together,” Chris said once they entered the lift.

“I can already imagine Guy’s sarcastic comments,” Jon chuckled.

“Are you bothered by them?” Chris asked suddenly sobering up. His friend’s bickering did not affect him that much when it came to him being in love with Jonny. If Guy had said something back when they were still at university though, he would have probably flip him out. However, after spending years in denial, he had finally accepted his feelings and was actually quite proud of them and of Jonny of course, but he still was unsure of how his more reserved friend would take it.

“Guy’s comments you mean?”


“I don’t mind. I know he’s joking and means no harm,” he reassured him, eyes focused on the red numbers that changed with every floor they passed on their way to the lobby. When number two appeared, the guitarist held Chris’ face between his hands in a swift movement and the two shared a furtive kiss until the lift came to a stop.

“Crazy Jonny Boy, I love it!” Chris grinned as the doors opened and they made their way out passing a group of elderly people who were waiting for the lift.

They had barely entered the restaurant when Chris caught Will’s knowing look from across the room, he could not help the smile that escaped from his very soul. Will had been really understanding when he had timidly come to him with his big heavy secret on his shoulders and bone-chilling fear of rejection emanating from every pore. Here he was now, brimming with joy for what had happened and thrilled for what was to come.

“And here we were all worried cause we had not seen Jonny all morning,” Guy taunted distractedly swirling his spoon in his dessert when the blond-haired duo approached their table.

“What did I tell you Jay?” Chris said with a smile. “They can’t stop talking about you,” he joked, keeping the mood up.

“Good you made it, fellas, have a seat,” Will told them.

Chris and Jonny joined their friends and sat opposite each other, their feet touching under the table. In no time, a waitress made her way to them and left them their menus.

“What did you have?” Chris asked his friends.

“Spaghetti Bolognese,” Will said, “It was heavenly.”

“I had roasted chicken breast, it was ok,” Guy told him.

"Good choices," Chris scanned the menu, stealing glances at Jonny whose eyes were fixed on the pages in front of him, his mouth twisted as he decided what to have and Chris’ chest filled with love at the cute sight.

“Are you ready to order?” the waitress asked, suddenly by their side.

“Yes, I’ll have the veggie lasagna, please,” Chris decidedly answered.

“The same for me, please.”

“Aww,” Guy said when the lady was out of ear shot, “Isn’t that adorable Will? They order the same food.”

“You ordered the same dessert from what I can see,” Jonny pointed out.

“It doesn’t count with us, Guy’s just a copycat,” Will said and the four friends laughed.

“So everything’s fine between you two?” Guy asked in a surprisingly serious tone.

The drummer and bassist did not miss the loving look that passed between Chris and Jonny before the guitarist spoke up, “Yeah, just great.”

“Glad to hear, fellas. Glad to hear,” the Scottish man said.

“That’s good,” Will agreed looking at them contemplatively. He would not pressure them for any kind of explanation or confession of any sort. The four of them knew each other very well and sometimes words were not needed. They knew and the happiness, the relief was palpable in the air. It wasn’t just Chris and Jonny’s bond that was redefined that day, but the four men’s friendship strengthened as well.

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