Chapter 1

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There was a pause.

"Were you prepared?" I asked quietly.

"Prepared for what?"

"The Invasion,"

Jay was silent for a moment.

"No one was," He answered.


Chapter 1: Invasion

On January 14, 2026, a small radio station in Kentucky received a message from unknown coordinates in space. It read:

"Invaders from The Dark are coming. Be prepared."

News of this "threat" spread around the world. Many ignored it. They didn't give it another thought and went on with their daily lives. Others panicked. They rushed around gathering weapons and food and water. The chaos caused even the government to get involved. The major world leaders held a meeting to discuss the message. Later they reassured everyone there was nothing to worry about.

My mother, Teresa, and I were of those who did not believe in the "alien threat".

On January 20, 2026, we were proved wrong. I watched from my bedroom window as the sky became crowded with strange spaceships. Aliens descended and raided the houses. Even the ones who were prepared didn't stand a chance. They took people. Not a single human killed. Just kidnapped.

I was terrified. I yelled for my mom but there was no answer.

Then I heard footsteps, if that's even the right word. Claws scraped the wooden steps. Tears streaming down my face, I made the hasty decision to hide in my closet, though I knew there was no point. They would find me either way.

I waited, sobbing, for them to come. Then I heard them enter. They took a few steps around my room and then made a strange assortment of clicking noises I assume to be their language.

After that, they left. Just like that.

I don't know why I'm still here. All I know is that everyone I loved, every one I cared for, is gone. And I'm alone.



Yes I know.. It's pretty bad...

And short. But let me tell you now that most of my chapters are short, soooo

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