Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: The Survivors

My room was beautiful. Probably the nicest room I've lived in. It had a huge bed with soft sheets and a full bathroom.

"Wow, this is all mine?" I asked Jay

"All yours. My room is number 251. Stop by if ya need something. At 6:00p, after everyone gets back, meet me back in the lobby, and I'll show you where we eat meals and have meetings."

He smiled and walked out.

I walked around my room examining everything. I got on the bed to test out the comfy looking mattress.


I didn't realize I had fallen asleep until someone bounced the bed up and down.

"Wake up! Wake up! It's 6:14! You overslept!" Anna shouted.

I groaned and slowly sat up.

Anna kept nagging me to hurry up as I got dressed.

We made our way back down to the lobby and saw Jay and another guy waiting for us.

"Sorry we're late. I kinda overslept." I said.

"It's alright. Anna, you and Matthew go on back to the dining room, I need to talk to Bethany." Jay said.

Anna walked off with the other boy.

"I just wanted to welcome you, I hope everything is well?" Jay said.

"Everything is wonderful. Thank you so much."

"Do you have any questions?" He asked.

He had no idea how many questions I had. But I went with the most logical.

"How many people are here?"

"38. Actually I want to talk to you about that matter. Meet me in my room after dinner?"

"Are you asking me out on a date, Jay?" I ask, trying to sound cute, when I actually wish that's what he was asking.

Jay turned red and cleared his throat, clearly embarrassed.

"No, no. Just business. I wouldn't ask a girl out after I just met her. I mean, it's not that you're an unattractive girl, you're very pretty. I mean, I don't want to-"

I laughed.

"It was a joke."

"Oh, yes of course. Well we better get to dinner. The rest will be wondering where we are."

Jay led me in the direction that Anna and Matthew had gone and soon we came to one of the hotels dining room.

Inside was a large group of people of all ages. Some very old and some babies. The second they noticed Jay, everyone became silent.

"Hello everyone!" Jay said, smiling "Reports?"

A teenage girl stood up. She had short red hair pulled back in a ponytail. She was wearing a tank top and cargo pants with a jacket tied around her waist.

"The Gatherers got a large supply of water and brought clothes from the mall." She said.

"Thank you, Sam. Andy, you guys get anyone?" Jay said.

A boy stood up. He had blonde hair and had camouflage army pants with a black T-Shirt. He looked about 17.

"The Scouters didn't find anyone, but it looks like you found you a girl, Jay." Andy said, winking.

"Yes, everyone this is Bethany Forrester. Anna found her while Gathering. Let's give Anna a hand."

Everyone clapped and cheered while

Anna's little face turned red as a beet.

Jay spoke and everyone quieted down, "Everyone make sure to introduce yourself to Bethany and make her welcome here with The Survivors!"



Lol gotta love an uncomfortable Jay :D

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