Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Disaster

I woke up coughing and sputtering, a horrible stench spreading through the room. It was blistering hot. What is going on? I opened my eyes to have them sting as smoke entered them. Smoke, heat. There is a fire. I screamed.

Panicking I ran to the door and attem

pted to push it open but it wouldn't budge. I stepped back and cried, "Help!"

Jay bust through the door and ran over to me.

"Are you okay?" He yelled.

I nodded.

"Put this over your mouth and follow me!"

He gave a damp rag and I did as he said. He grabbed my hand and we ran.

The hotel was crazy. Flaming debris falling and people rushing everywhere to escape. But Jay just kept running. And I ran along with him.

After a little bit, we were out. Many of the Survivors were already outside, coughing and crying. I searched for all my friends to make sure they were all safe. Sam and Matthew were there. So was Andy and of course Jay. But where was..

"Anna!" I yelled into the flames.


A voice spoke from the crowd. "I think she's still inside!"

I didn't even think a little bit.

I ran towards the open hotel door. Anna was in there. In that burning building. She had to be saved Someone grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

"Let me go! I have to save her!" I yelled.

"I'll go I can do it. I used to be a firefighter, I can get her out. Trust me."

I turned to see a tall man with rough features and a confident look.

He let me go and started into the building.

I didn't know who he was. All I know is that he was going to save Anna. I watched him enter into the the burning hotel.


About 5 minutes later, Anna ran out of the building coughing and hacking. I ran and hugged her.

She was safe.

"I'm so glad you're okay! Oh Anna you're alive!" I said through tears of joy.

"Where's Jim?" Jay asked her. I guess that is the name of the brave firefighter.

"He pushed me out of the way a falling board. I got to the door, but he.." Anna wiped a tear from her eyes, "he didn't make it."

A women in the crowd let out a sob.

I didn't want to believe it. Although I didn't know Jim, I felt like I'd lost a good friend.

I stood there looking at the group of people standing before me. We started with 100 but there is now only 82 left.



Don't hate me.

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