Requested Imagine B5princesa x Bryan

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"You may now kiss your bride."

I turned towards Bryan and he lifted the veil off of my face.We were both tearing up a little and had big smiles on our faces.

I remember the day that it all started.

2 years ago

This is just great.Valentine's day with no one...again.All my friends have dates and then there's me.Like seriously dude?!

"Shorty?"my friend Amber said waving her hand in my face.

"Wha?Huh?"I said snapping out of my thoughts.

"Girl you really need to do something.It's Valentines Day for crying out loud!"she said while we walked out of the building.

"Amber you act like I'm just gonna run right into my prince charming."I said.

Then I ran into somebody and fell to the ground.I closed my eyes and groaned in pain.Whoever this was needed to lay off the food for a while.

"Hey Stephy I'm so sorry."a familiar voice said.

I opened my eyes and saw my friend Bryan on top of me.He got up and stretched his hand out to me.I grabbed it and he pulled me off the ground.

"Wow!Look at the time.I gotta go."Amber said.

I looked at her with a what the heck face and she just mouthed out the words 'get him' and walked off.

"I guess I should be going too."I said.

"Wait.I actually have something to ask you."Bryan said.

He looked pretty nervous.I don't know if I was seeing right but it looked like he was even shaking a little.

"What's up?"I asked.

"Well...I was w-wondering...if you....want t-to...."he said and trailed off.

"Want to?"I asked trying hard not to laugh at his stuttering.

"Go on a date with me?"he asked.

My jaw dropped.Bryan,my friend for like the past year,just asked me out?

"Um sure."I said.

His face lit up and a smile laced it.He grabbed my hand and led me to his car.During the ride,we sang along too a few songs including the newest single by him and his brothers,Say Yes.

After about 10 minutes we arrived at this beautiful park.Lucky for him,I was a sucker for them.

"This is amazing Bryan!"I exclaimed.

"And it get's better."he said and grinned.

I gave him a confused expression which only made him smile more.He pulled out his iPod and turned on a slow song.

He held me close and twirled be around,literally sweeping me off of my feet.As simple as it was,it was still romantic.

After a while,we were both worn out.We sat on the giant tree swing with me in his arms watching the sun set.He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"I'm so glad you said yes."he said.

"Why wouldn't I?You're cute,funny and you sure know how to impress a girl."I said.

"Well that is true."he said and I gigged and playfully punched his arm.

"So you're my boo now right?"he asked.

"Hmm.I like the sound of that."I replied.

And from then on,everything was perfect.


Just as he did back than,Bryan swept me off my feet and kissed me passionately.I kissed back with all the love I could muster for him.

He pulled back and looked into my eyes.

"I love you Stephy."he said smiling.

"I love you too."I said.

Hope you liked it! :)


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