Requested Imagine Morgan__lee x Patrick

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"Good Morning Beautiful."Patrick whispered seductively in my ear.

"Good Morning Handsome."I said turning to face him.

He planted a soft kiss on my lips and and pulled me into his arms.

"I have something very special planned for you today."he said.

"Really?"I asked.

"Yep.You're gonna love it."he said confidently.

"I'm know I will."I said and kissed his cheek.

"Now you go get dressed while I make breakfast."he said and went to the kitchen.

I pick my outfit and went into the bathroom.I did my hygiene routine and got dressed in a knee length baby blue summer dress and silver flats.

I walked out into the living room and I could smell breakfast.If this was just the beginning of the day,I'd love to see the end.

Patrick served me breakfast and then led me to his car.

"Here.Put this on."he said and handed me a blindfold.

"Really Patrick?Is this necessary?"I asked.

"Yes Morgan."he said.

I put the blindfold over my eyes and sighed.This boy is really something.

"How many fingers?"he asked.

"I dunno.6?"I replied.

"Good you can't see."he said happily

I felt the car pull off and I wondered where Patrick was taking me.I had a few ideas but I doubt we'd be going anywhere I can think of.Patrick is very good when it comes to surprises.

"Are we there yet?"I asked.

"Almost."he answered.

"And what is almost?"I asked with a smirk.

"It means don't ask."he said with a laugh.

Finally the car stopped and I heard Patrick get out of the car.He opened my door and grabbed my hand.I carefully stepped out of the car and let Patrick lead the way.

"Can you guess where we are?"he asked.

"Nope."I said.

"Perfect."he said and we kept walking.

The further we walked,I heard a lot of people.

"Patrick where are we?"I asked.

"Take off your blindfold and find out."he said.

I took off my blindfold and I was really surprised.We were at the spa and my best friends Aja and Mikayla were here.

"I'll see you later."Patrick said.

He kissed me on the cheek and left.

"What's going on?"I asked my friends.

"You'll find out soon."Aja said smiling.

She grabbed my hand and we were on our way to paradise.

We got massages,mani-pedis and facials.It felt amazing!After the spa,we got our hair done and then they dragged me to the mall and they got me a beautiful red cocktail dress.

After I changed and looked at myself,I looked hot.

"So now can you tell me what's going on?"I asked.

"Let's just say,your biggest surprise in coming up now."

"That doesn't help."I said.

"Just be patient."Aja said.

We arrived at my favorite club and the girls said my surprise was inside.We went inside and Patrick and his brothers were on stage.

I went up closer and Patrick spotted me.He grabbed a microphone and the music stopped and everyone quieted down.

"I'd like to introduce you all to a special girl in the crowd tonight.Everyone please give it up for Morgan."

Everyone cheered and Patrick outstretched his hand to me.I took it and he pulled me onto stage.

"What is all if this?"I asked.

"You'll see."he whispered before bringing the mic back to his lips.

"Morgan,where can I start?I've known you for so long.You've been my best friend for years and when I finally had the guts to ask you out,I felt like I was on top of the world when you said yes."he said.

"Yeah.He came home and wouldn't shut up about it."Dustin commented making me and the crowd laugh.

"Anyways,"Patrick went on."You're the love of my life and I can't imagine being with anyone besides you.

His brothers started singing their new song Say Yes.Patrick danced with me a little and it was really cute.

When they finished,Patrick pulled a small black box out of his pocket.He got down on his knee and opened it revealing the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen.I gasped and covered my mouth,tears already forming in my eyes.

"Morgan,will you marry me?"he asked.

There were a bunch of ooh's and aww's coming from the crowd and a lot of people chanting Say Yes!

"Yes Patrick!"I exclaimed.

He slipped the ring on my finger and got up and kissed me.He pulled me into a hug and I just felt so happy.

Nothing could be more perfect than this!

Hope you liked it Morgan! :)


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