Requested Imagine TheBluestStar x Dustin

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Maya's P.O.V

I can't believe my friend did this to me.Out of all the evil things she does,this had to be the most evil.

So let's flashback to this morning.My friend Sage burst through my door with the biggest smile on her face.Apparently some guy she's been dating finally wanted things to be official.Of course I was happy for her,but then came the bad part.Her and her boyfriend were going on a date and they set me up with the guy's older brother.

I know I haven't dated in...well that's not the point!We were going out to the skating palace and as much as Sage and I loved that place,I was in no mood to go skating tonight with some dude I didn't even know.I dressed in a pair of sweats and a wife beater with a hoodie over top.My hair was pulled up in a messy bun and I had to say,I was happy with my look.It matched my mood right now.

Sage texted me saying she was coming early so she could help me get ready.

Oh hell no...

There was a knock at my door.I ran downstairs and opened it.There stood Sage in an amazing outfit.It showed off her tomboy style and she looked awesome.She had a giant smile on her face until she took in my outfit.She grimaced and looked at me like I was crazy.

"Oh no chica.You're not wearing that outfit on your date."she said and dragged me back to my room.

"I don't wanna look good."I whined.

"Well too bad.Now it's time to work my magic."she said and grinned.

~A half hour later~

"Now this is much better!"Sage exclaimed.

I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed.

"How dare you make me look this gorgeous!"I yelled.

"Maya just go with it.You'll thank me later."she said.

'"Yeah...sure."I said and rolled my eyes.

Sage's phone went off and I only knew what that meant.

"Time to go!"she said happily and skipped down the stairs.

"You're so lucky you're my best friend."I said trailing behind her.

We got in Sage's car and drove to the skating palace.The whole ride there I was freaking out.I didn't know what to expect.

"Stop worrying so much Maya.I guarantee you're gonna love him."Sage reassured.

We pulled up to the skating palace and went it.The place was just opening up for the next set of people so we were able to get our skates quick.

"I'll be right back Maya."Sage said and skated off.

I sighed and started playing on my phone.About a minute later I got a tap on my shoulder.I looked up and I couldn't believe my eyes.

A gorgeous boy was standing behind me.Fair skin,nice hair and did I forget the two deep dimples that almost made me melt along with that sexy grin.

"H-Hi."I said stumbling over my words.

He chuckled slightly and extended his hand towards me.I grabbed it and he pulled me up out of my seat.

"You must be Maya."he said.

"Yeah that's me."I said shyly.

"I'm Dustin."he said and kissed my hand.

Is it just him or is it getting really hot in here?

"My brother and his girlfriend set us up."he said.

"Yeah that's Sage for you."I said giggling.

"Tell me about it.My brother Patrick is always setting me up."he said sighing.

"Oh.."I said kinda sadly.

"But this is the first time I know I'm gonna be asking for a second date."he said and smiled at me.

I knew my face was probably as red as a tomato right now but I don't care!

We skated around for a while and were having a great time.They played the best songs and we danced a little.He was extremely funny and I was enjoying every minute of this.

Then out of nowhere,Sage pulls me off the floor.

"What was that for?!"I asked.

"Didn't I tell you?You love him!!!"she said happily.

"I LIKE him.I can't love the boy already!"I said.

"But you will soon enough."she said and went back to the floor.

I went back on the floor to look for Dustin but I had no luck.I turned my head for one second and then I saw I was about to crash into somebody.I tried to avoid them but I fell in the process.I closed my eyes and waited for the pain but all I felt was a pair of strong arms holding me up.

I opened my eyes and they met a pair of dark brown eyes.

"Sorry Dustin!"I said and quickly regained my balance.

"No problem.I'll always be there to catch you when you fall."

I blushed a little and then he took my hand and led me to the back.We sat down and talked for a while but I wasn't even paying attention really.I was kinda busy getting caught up in his eyes.

Then I noticed he stopped talking,he just stared back at me.He got closer and closer until our lips finally met.Lord I felt like I died and went to heaven.His lips were so soft.It was a short,gentle kiss but it seemed like it lasted forever.We both pulled back and had big smiles on out faces.

"Definitely getting that second date."Dustin said smiling making me giggle.

"Well D,what'd I tell you?"

A boy came up behind him and put his hand on Dustin's shoulder.He must be his brother,the one Sage is dating.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?Like outta my business."Dustin said.

"Fine continue with your little session.I won't interrupt."he responded with a smirk and skated off.

"Sorry about my bro."he apologized.

"It's cool."I said.

"Well Maya,if you don't mind I'd like to take you home.I'm not ready for this night to be over."he said.

I blushed and nodded my head slowly.Lord he had a way with words.

We gave our skates back and got on our shoes and left.During the ride home we talked and laughed almost to the point of crying.

We got to my house and Dustin walked me to my door.We exchanged numbers and said our goodbyes.

"Good night beautiful."he said and winked at me.

I felt my heart beating so fast.I went inside my house,quickly shut the door and slid to the ground.


Hope you liked it Maya~! :)


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