She's not anything you'd expect...She's worse

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The clock continues to tick, as my mind processes the thoughts. The room is silent... well except the constant ticking of the clock. No that is not silence, silence is Nothing

Silence is Nothing But air,and that air,that is surrounded by white walls. White walls that have no color,no open to the outside world. I, Now know silence. I now understand

Imagine being locked up in your room all day, with no day light, and only white walls. Now imagine being kept locked up for as much as ten years and that you have been labeled "insane" How do I know this? Well, I'm a doctor.. no more like a therapist for the medically ill

"Although I am not a doctor who takes blood pressure or gives proscriptions for over the counter medication,I am a doctor of the medically ill. I've worked with many of Children and adults ages 18 to 69 and I know how to handle and help them." Her pale blue eyes pierced into mine and her wrinkled lips curled. I took in my surroundings. Six pairs of eyes around me,Three men, three women all in gray suits. "Mr Styles, I assure you that The insane in California are more of a handful then in England. The worst of them get sent here. and I don't think you are quite developed enough in this area to deal with these kind of people" One of the women spoke. It seems like she's the only one opening her damn mouth. "You act as if they are monsters! Well I assure you,the people here aren't any worse then the ones in England. I've worked with these people, I know how they act, I know how they are and I know probably better then anyone of you how to treat them and how to help them. I can do this. With all do respect ma'am what do you plan to do about this? Do you plan for them to stay in these cells for the rest of their lives? Do you plan to ship them off to another isolated area when one finally manages to get out? Just, let me have one, only one of the patients in the institution to work with. In fact, give me your worst, and I promise you, I will change them." One to another, all of them in the room took a glance at each other. Again, the sound of the clock ticking loudly. "Well...I think that maybe...he should give it a try..." One of the other women mumbled. With that, along with all the other men and women in the room,I looked at the one woman who seemed to be the only one who made the decision. "The decision has been made...You can work with one...only one of the patients at the institution. True to your word, I will give you the worst. With this, I give you a warning. They are insane, she's insane, and if any damage becomes upon you I am not held responsible. She's not anything you'd expect...she's worse" She softly spoke, got up and went to a desk drawer. She pulled out a tan folder and handed it to me. She walked to the door and opened it. At this point, I knew this was the signal to leave, before she changes her mind. Once again I felt the eyes on me as I walked to the door. "Good luck, and god bless Mr Styles" The woman whispered. I took one more deep look in her pale grey eyes. "Thank you" I whispered and turned away. I did it.

I walk out of the building to my Audi A 5. I unlock it,then get in. When I turn on the engine I hear a familiar beat on the radio,panic! at the disco's "I write sins, not tragedies". "This is an oldie, i haven't heard this song in ages!" i say to myself as I hit my hands on the steering wheel to the beat of the song. Humming and singing every word in my head as I drive to my flat, that is less then ten minutes away, more like five actually. When I pull into my drive way, I grab the file that is gently sitting in the passenger seat and turn off my car. I whistle as I walk up the path to the flat and when I get to the door I unlock it. "This place is a mess" I sigh as I walk into the familiar flat, I left at like two this afternoon. Now its six. The things I do for other people. I plopped on my black leather couch and opened the file. "Kasey Hinken, Female....age 22...Attempted suicide to deep cuts in there wrist at age 14...." I read aloud. That poor girl...she's hurt not crazy and she's so young. If this is the worst in California, then I might as well go back to England. But why would that woman at the court house say "She's not anything you'll expect...she's worse" The episode played back in my mind as I recalled the words the woman said. She can't be that bad. The thoughts started to blur as my eyes felt heavier and heavier,and getting harder to keep open....

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