Stay...With Me...Please

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Her smile haunts my thoughts, as once again i pull into the asylum... no, institution I hate using asylum. These people are people, not monsters nor animals. Before i realize it, I'm walking down the long white hallway which I've grown quite found of. Why you ask? Because it puts my mind at ease for some reason. I enter the room I've became familiar with and watched her sit against the wall looking up at the ceiling. Shortly, her blue eyes looked into mine. Her eyelids, were a light shade of black and it circled around her eyes. "How are you love?" I asked with a friendly smile. She didn't answer. "Kasey?" I asked and walked to the famous corner in the wall she always seems to sit in. "Shhh" was the answer. I sighed and sat next to her, chances are, she won't smile or even talk today for that matter. She seems tired...why? She has all the time in the world to sleep. "Are you tired?" I asked breaking the silence. "No" she whispered, but firmly. "You look like it" I laughed which resulted in a death glare. "Shut the hell up" Kasey sighed then rolled her eyes. "I don't sleep" she simply said, and that was it. We sat there in silence as she stared at the wall. "If you don't sleep, what do you do?" i asked and ran my fingers through my hair. "Think" She said this and focused her eyes on the wall. She looked so perfect sitting there.


"About?" She shot me a surprised glare.

"Every thing but my past." she answered. Questions keep coming to my brain encouraging me to ask. "Why not?" She sighed and pushed her hair from her face. As she did so her wrist caught my eye. "Can I... see your wrist.

They look like cuts. it must be her attempt to suicide.

"What the hell!? No!" she screamed and jerked her hand to her side. I frowned. "Here, maybe this will make you feel a little better" I sighed and pulled up my bracelets. I watched her eyes travel from me to my wrist. She lightly gasped when her eyes met my scares. "I've done it too, don't be ashamed."  The brunettes eyes dropped to the floor as her arms traveled over.  All in a row, were a series of deep cuts. "I suppose your going to give me a long lecture like the rest of them" she sighed and pulled her arm away. "No,I was going to ask if you wanted to talk about it" I sighed and watched her eyes travel back to my scars. I felt the light touch of her finger tips on my wrist. She traced gently across it matching the marks of a sharp, cold blade. "Its nothing...we all have suicide thoughts at one points in our lives, mine just turned into an attempt" She admitted. "And why is that?" i asked, hopefully not over doing my questioning.  "Your sure fucking noisy aren't you!" She screamed irritated. "Geez sorry, I thought we could have a damn conversation without you screaming at me" i mocked her tone. "I'm sorry" she sighed and took a deep breath. "It's really not a big deal" she continued. I waited for her to start once more, but we sat in silence for quite some time. "It is to me" She looked at me curiously. "Its a long story..." Why is she trying to make me not want to listen. "I have all day" She sighed and closed her eyes then opened them once more. She got up, ran to the bed and pulled out a book from underneath the mattress. "This...will explain why I'm here..." She whispered as she handed it to me, then slid back down the wall. "In your hand, you


Never in my life did I think I'd come to writing in this stupid journal,am I really this weak and pathetic to be talking to myself? I am pathetic, I don't have friends, and the ones I have talk behind my back, saying how messed up I am. I'm not messed up am i? of course I'm not, if I was messed up would I have ever helped the world? I don't need them. I have the one friend I need. He's a sharp fellow as well xD haha he's also cold...very cold and his favorite color is red. he likes when I press his edges across my skin and swipe. it refreshes me. Mum doesn't like my friend. she says "Kasey that's no way to deal with your problems, put the blade down honey" hahaha xD well she's not here anymore

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